No Idea

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Jinyoung oppa brought me in to their dorm.

"Dahyun aa!!!! Where are you going yesterday? We miss you." Jackson oppa said and he pouted. I smile.

"Something suddenly came up and I need to go back home. I'm so sorry oppa."

"It's okay! You're here right now!!" Bambam said cheerily.

"We bought you a chicken....and pizza...and....and....oh! That's all!" Jackson oppa said. They brought me to sit in a circle between them.

"Where's Mark hyung?" Bambam asked.

"I'll call him!" Jackson said and went to Mark oppa's room.

"Hyung!!" He knocked the door twice. But no respond.

"We bought a chicken and pizza! Don't you want to join us?" Jackson oppa asked. Then, the door opened and he joining us. Our eyes, meet again.

We ate, play a game and talked about anything like in Real GOT7 seasons one in episode 6. 'Eat, play, talk'. They're funny and cute. I sometimes laughed to their jokes. Mark oppa too seems like enjoying it. His laugh, his smile, his voice....just everything.

"Dahyun aa... " Bambam called me. I looked at him. "Oh! Your mouth is ......" He wiped my mouth with tissue. I'm surprised. "T-thank you..." I said. "Isn't I'm sweet? I will be a very good boyfriend in the world just for you." He said. "I'm just joking! Don't be afraid. Your face are all red right now!" He chuckled. I chuckled too and suddenly stop when my eyes met Mark oppa's eyes again. It happen not just twice but many times. Our eyes met every minutes I think.

The times keep passing and without realizing, it's already evening.
"It's evening already... I need to go back home."

They all looked at me. "I'm sorry oppa. But, I really enjoy with you all today. I really have a fun time. Thank you. I need to go back now and don't burden yourself to send me home. I beg to you. Please. Let me go home by myself." I said.

"Why are you always say sorry? Are we not that close? I mean, like a best friend.... they didn't  have anything to sorry and thankful." Jinyoung oppa said.

" mom said, I need to say sorry if I do mistake or hurt people and thanks people who does a good thing to us." I replied with a smile. He nodded.

"Okay Dahyun....I'm going to miss you tonight!!! Bye, see you again next time!" Bambam said. I just smile.

"Hey! Kim Dahyun! Your words sounds like you are going not to meet us again next time. Have a nice day!" A words from Yugyeom. I look at the floor.

Suddenly there's a sound of a door being shut. "Mark hyung!!??" Jackson said.

"Bye Dahyun... I granted your wish for today!" Jaebum oppa said.

"Bye~!!" Then I leave.

Mark oppa doesn't say goodbye to me. He just ignored me. It's hurt. I really have no idea why. Perhaps, it because of that day. The day he is crying.

From: Mark Oppa.
Are you coming to the school this Monday?

To: Mark Oppa.
Maybe.... but, I want you to come too. What is the reason for you not to come for the past day!! You didn't busy. The members said, you and they doesn't have any schedule after the interview.  But, you keep missing.

From: Mark Oppa.
I'm coming.....

I sighed.

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