The Day After The Accident.

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- Finn's POV - 

I felt guilty so much. Ally was in the hospital and it was all because of me. ME. The selfish dick. I haven't even told Jack. He probably knew. What if he didn't ? I haven't had any sleep. I can't think straight. What about Rosie ? Should I tell her ? 

- Jack's POV - 

I woke up to a normal winters day. I went on to my twitter to see if anyone has watched my video. What i posted last night. I found " Hope Ally gets better X . and Awrh. Poor girl. Done nothing wrong ans this how she gets paid. " Lots of other comments along those lines. I was dazed at these comments. What has happened to Ally ? Why did they know and I didn't ? I got out of the warmest place on earth on this cold winter day. I wish I had never done that. I walked towards Finn door. When i heard someone opening a door but where was it coming from ? I hear someone shout my name " Jack " Finn said. He was running towards me.

" Have you heard ? " He asked. Okay , so now I am confused.

" Heard what ? " I asked because of my confusion.

" Well urm Ally had a car crash yesterday night. After our argument." He said with a bit of sadness.

"How ? Why ? Where is she right now ? " I asked all the questions running through my head. I was panicing. My heart was racing. What about if she is dead ?  " How ? Well I don't know but I am guessing on how late it was that he was probably pissed out of his head. Why ? Because of the drunken driver and right now she is in op. Their trying to make her be in less pain whenever she wakes up. "

" We have got to go and see her Finn. " I said. trying to think positive. Wait did he just say whenever. I continued " What is this about whenever ? " I asked.

" Jack , Ally's in a coma " Finn said. I broke. I nearly cried. My best friend in a coma. Seems to be a bad dream. Wait. Jack your being such a self bitch. How do you think Ally feels right now ?!?!?!  My conscious shouted at me but it was true. How do you think Ally feels ? Can she feel anything ? Can she do anything ? How does she feel about the crash ? Does she know it was a crash ? All these and more questions came running through my head. " Jack , are you okay ? " Finn said. Waking me up from the deep thoughts going through my head. " When is Ally coming out of theatre ? Do you know ? " I asked. Wanting to know more. 

" No. " He said disappointingly. I think Finn felt a bit guilty because of the argument. How does Rosie feel about this? Wait , does she even know about it ? I have to find out. " Finn , does Rosie know about this ? " I asked. I couldn't use the name girlfriend as it hasn't sink in to me yet that Finn is going out with her. " No. I think might tell her when she wakes up. As she is still sleeping last night off. " He said. Smiling like something good has happened to him and her. I nodded at his choice.

- Finn's POV - 

It was Saturday. Longest day of my life probably. I had to tell Jack and Rosie about Ally and the car crash. Help me. First person to say it to was Jack. Easy. I saw him " Jack ! " I shouted. He looked like he was in his own little world. Probably where Ally was healthy and walking. Not where she is right now. Nearly dying. He heard me shout his name but carried on walking. I had to catch him. I ran towards him. This was going to break him. I wanted to see if he knew " Have you heard ? " I asked.

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