Can You Feel My Heart; *Chapter Eight*

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Can You Feel My Heart - Eight

Darla would bring Wyatt to the house while my parents were away at work. That way, I’d get to see my nephew for the three hours before they hogged their grandson to themselves.

“You know what I was thinking, Jey?” Darla had given Wyatt to the baby hungry people that gave us life and followed me up to my room, I wanted to show her how I’d rearranged my room to make all of the baby things fit. “Your due date is coming up pretty soon, so I was talking to Austin and I was like ‘what if Jeydon keeps Wyatt overnight to get some practice in.’”

“And?” I bit my lip as I sat on my bed.

“He agreed, so how about it?”

I hesitated, “Can it be at your place?”

“If that’s what you want, yeah.”

“Okay, when?”

“Probably Saturday.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Cool,” She smiled and sat on my bed next to me so that she could look around at my room. “It looks good, you said Megan helped you?”


“So that means you told her?” I nodded in agreement. “Have you decided who’s gonna be in the room when you deliver?”

I shrugged. “Probably you and maybe Megan.”

“What about Caleb?”

My ears perked, “What about him?”

“Isn’t he going to be in the delivery room, too?”

“No,” I shook my head, “Why would he?”

“Because it’s his daughter?” She scoffed.

Oh no. Not another it’s–his–right–to–know talks. “I’ve got it all under control, Darla.”

“He has no idea, does he?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

She let out a sigh of frustration. “I’ll text you later about Saturday.”


Tonight was the night I was babysitting Wyatt overnight. Darla and Austin were going to dinner with friends from college and then I don’t know what else they were doing but they promised they’d be back at 7:15 am to make it feel like I was going to school.

The parents kissed and hugged their small son goodbye. Wyatt was six weeks old now and Darla was strictly breast feeding, so she had pumped enough so that he could get his every two hour feedings. She showed me how to warm them and how to test the milk on your arm to make sure it was okay temperature for him to drink.

Before she left, Darla let me watch her bathe Wyatt in his tub and told me you can’t actually submerge them in water until the remainder of their umbilical cord falls off, which thankfully, his had.

Darla and Austin left around six o’clock. I fed Wyatt at seven and then changed his diaper. After that, I played with him while he was on belly time. Then I fed him once more, and after that, he was asleep, so I laid him in his crib. He was up again by three for a diaper change and eating, and then again at five. I rocked him back to sleep and then laid him in his crib once again, taking a nap of my own in his rocking chair.

I was exhausted but Darla relieved me at 7:15 as agreed. Yeah, I definitely needed this practice.

Because I was due so soon, I had speak with my councilor at school and Sheila.

Miss Jane had been my councilor since I was a freshman; she was also aware of me being intersex. I had signed up for an appointment and the earliest I could get was Wednesday, just two days before my due date.

“Jeydon Clark!” Miss Jane exclaimed, “What brings you to my office today?”

Ever since freshman year, she’s always kept a smile on her baby face. She’s a small woman with light blonde hair and green/brown hazel eyes.

“A lot.” I admitted. “I kind of caught myself in a situation.”

“Well, tell me about it.”

I took in a deep breath. “I’m pregnant and my due date is in a few days and I’m planning on taking six weeks off and I know that at work, after the six weeks off, I won’t have anyone to watch my baby so I wanted to talk to you about completing my work from home.”

“That was a lot to take in at one time and if I do say so myself, congratulations on expecting a baby, but you know it’ll be difficult to do it all while with a baby.”

I nodded. “I know. I understand.”

She walked and talked me through different options of my home schooling. One option I could do was have my teachers give me all the work and turn it in, and then the second would be to do the actual online program.

I decided to go with the first choice because it seemed a lot easier than having to be on the computer for four hours a day.

After school, I went to work and on my break, I decided to talk to Sheila.

“Sheila?” I knocked on the already open office door.

“C’mon in, sweet pea!” I sat in the seat she directed me towards, “What’d you need, hon?”

“Um, as you know, I’m pregnant,” I had to tell her when I’d first found out. “And my due date is the fourteenth.”

She smiled sweetly, she was a woman in her forties who was unable to have her own kids so she surrounded herself with other people’s, thus the daycare was created. “You need the time off work?”

I nodded, gulping nervously.

“Of course, you get the standard six weeks off with pay and Jeydon?”


“You’d better bring that sweet Angel to Grandma Sheila.” She chuckled.

I laughed lightly, “I might have to enroll her here after I return.”

“Well you’re downright amazing with these kids. I’ll tell you what, you bring me that sweet baby while you work and I’ll watch her, free of charge.”

“Really?” I exclaimed.

“I have no kids, and I consider all of my employees my children, and family helps family.”

Yeah. Family does help family.

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