Chapter Five.

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I ran fast enough to break the time barrier.

I ran back to the night when my mother was murdered. I saw my future self get my 11 year old self out of there and my alternate version waiting ready to pounce on Thawne. I ran up to him and warned him not to do it.

I told him about everything that would happen if he saved Nora Allen. He was shocked but he agreed. We stood outside as The Man In Yellow stabbed our mother to death and left the house. I was going to cease to exist, i.e. the version of me which had just gotten his powers because now that mom had died, that timeline was completely erased and hence erasing my alternate self with it.

I sped into the house and saw my mother lying on the floor, I went up to her and kissed her forehead and said, "I'm sorry mom. I'm so sorry but I had to let this happen."

I then raced back to my time. The time where I truly belonged.

*Original timeline*

I whooshed into the living room where everyone aka Team Flash was sitting and chatting. Everything was normal, things were okay.
Or were they?

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