James Rodriguez - Happier

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"um.. no hablo español?" i questioned the shop owner as i struggled to find and purchase a charger for my phone since i accidentally left mine at the airport back in America. i just moved here today.

"ella está buscando ..?" i heard a man with dark hair and beautiful brown eyes say.

"what are you looking for exactly?" he asked with perfect and accented english.

"um, an iphone charger." i said not believing what was happening.

"Ella está buscando un cargador para iPhone. los tienes?" He said to the shop owner.

"sí, deja que te enseñe." The shop owner said walking towards the front of the shop. The man turned to me and smirked then proceeded to follow the owner, who handed him the charger I was looking for.

They walked back to the register and the man held out the charger to me and I took it and paid for it.

"gracias." I said to the owner and he smiled at me.

The man was still in the shop and I said, "Thank you. You really didn't need to help me though."

"I wanted to. It was not a problem." He said with a thick accent. I had just met the man less than three minutes ago and he already made me want to melt.

"Hello...?" He asked me waving a hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my trance because I hadn't realized that I was staring at him.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I said blushing hard.

"It's okay." He said laughing.

"yeah, I don't know why I just did that." I stated.

"If you don't mind, would you like to get some lunch sometime maybe?" He asked and I lost my ability to speak.

"Um, sure. That sounds amazing. Would tomorrow work for you? If not then I'm free for any weekend." I said.

"Tomorrow is perfect." i replied grinning.

"Good, could i by chance get your number?" he asked me seeming nervous.

"um sure, but you can't give me mine because my phone is kinda dead." i said with a small laugh.

he laughed also and said, "okay, here's my phone. just make a new contact and put in your number."

i grabbed his phone and did as he said, setting my name to "y/n".

"y/n. that's a beautiful name." he said and i blushed.

"thank you. i never found out yours though." i questioned.

"oh i apologize, it's james." he said.

"thats a nice name also." i said smiling.

james checked his phone and started to freak out.

"oh my goodness! i have to get going! i'm sorry i have to leave. i'll text you about that lunch date! i'll see you tomorrow!" he said before turning around and walking very fast, then turning a corner, becoming out of my sight.

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