Leon Goretzka - My Family

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oh, hey dad. ^^

request for cecilia ♡

enjoy ! :)


today is going to be a very nerve wrecking day.

i'm meeting leon's family.

we have been dating for almost five months now and i have yet to meet his family. and i couldn't be more nervous.

i got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to see leon already eating breakfast.

"there's more of you want." he said pointing to the counter, where some bacon and french toast sat.

"thanks." i said grabbing a plate of food.

i sat across from him and began eating my breakfast.

"how did you sleep?" leon asked me sweetly.

"good, how about you." i said eating another forkful of french toast.

"decent." he stated taking a swig of orange juice.

"that's good." i said taking a bite of bacon.

we carried on our small talk as we finished up our breakfast.

"hey, don't be nervous for tonight. they're going to love you." he said giving me a kiss on the head.

"i'm not." i lied.

i was really nervous. what if they hated me? what if i accidentally say something that will make them hate me? ugh, i'm a mess.

i washed up the dishes and followed leon into the living room, where he was playing fifa, typical leon.

i let him play his fifa and i went to the bathroom to take a shower.


"you're going to be okay cecilia, i promise." leon spoke rubbing my shoulders to calm me down.

"how do you know? what if they hate me?" i said.

"they aren't going to hate you. you're worrying too much, calm down." he said and i relaxed a little bit.

"okay, i need to get ready. scram." i joked.

"okay, okay fine." he said with a laugh and left the room.

i sighed and stood up from the edge of the bed.

the first thing i needed to do was find something to wear. this was a challenge, because i didn't want to dress too fancy, too casual, too revealing, etc.

i pulled out a few different shirts and started to decide between them.

one was a little too low cut, i didn't want them to think i was a stripper or something worse, another one was a cute sweater that might work, the other was a t-shirt which was too casual.

i went with the sweater and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a pair of boots.

i did my hair and decided not to wear makeup because i didn't really want to deal with it and i was running out of time, i knew any second that leon would be banging on the bathroom door telling me to hurry up.

sure enough, there he was less than a minute later knocking on the door.

"cecilia hurry up, we need to go." he said.

"okay just give me a second." i said putting the finishing touches on my hair.

i left the bathroom and saw leon sitting on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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