Chapter 4| Kevin

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Clyde and I enter the empty classroom. It's the room where I have hand made all of the previous costumes, and it's just a small reminder of all my sleepless nights making the costumes perfect and it hurts. Hurts because now all my work is destroyed. I sigh and drop the fabric on the only table in the room.

Clyde follows my lead and I make sure the sewing machine is working. When i see that it's fine, I fall down onto one of the chairs. Clyde sits down on the other.

"Fuck. This is going to be so much work." I say defeated, staring at the fabric. I had to gather up as much as I could, but it still wasn't enough. I had to spend my own money on new fabric because my parents didn't want to buy me anymore.

I shouldn't be surprised though. They hardly do anything for me. They're always on business trips. That's what they call them anyway. I know that in reality they're having a week off in Hawaii. My mum getting drunk and sleeping with strangers, my dad going to bars and playing poker. Thank god that when they do go to work, they earn plenty of money.

"Uh.. Kevin.." Clyde starts, anti glance at him. His hands are gripping the table, his expression soft.

"What?" I ask, standing up and spreading the material out for each character. Green for the Hatter, blue for Alice, red for the Queen of Hearts.


"Cartman you fat piece of shit! I just need to give the costumes!" Wendy's voice interrupts Clyde, and something slams into the door. It strains slightly against the weight, then swings open.

Wendy stumbles into the room, carrying the ruined costumes. Her long hair is in braids, and she's wearing a plain white top and leggings. Cartman is right behind her, holding up a can of Bear Mace.

"I swear to dawg Wendy, I'm the Hallway Monitor! Listen and respect me!" Cartman shouts, inching the Bear Mace closer to Wendy's face. She scoffs, and walks towards us. I smile at her.

"Hi Kev! Here are your costumes," she places them on the table, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thanks Wendy! I love your hair today," I tell her, leaning up the fix one of the slides in her hair. She smiles, and blushes before thanking me and rushing out. Cartman follows her out, shouting about his apparent authority.

I stand up and close the door as they left it open. Glancing down at my ruined costumes, my stomach twists. I worked so hard on these. I put so much effort into making them perfect for this production. And it was all for nothing. My eyes start to sting as I stroke the material of the Hatter's waistcoat, run my fingers over the fur of the Cheshire Cat's now orange tail. The fur is stuck together and rough. No longer soft.

I feel a presence behind me, and I already know it's Clyde. Who else would it be? He places his hand on my shoulder, and I close my eyes. His touch is strangely calming.

"Kevin, I'm really, truly sorry. If I could turn back time and stop myself and Craig from doing this, I would." Clyde says softly. I stand up straight, and Clyde's hand slips from my shoulder.

I realise that one tear has rolled down my cheek when it drops onto the fabric of Alice's cotton apron. It dampens the fabric were it landed. I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Right." I say sternly, heading towards the sewing machine and grabbing baby blue fabric. "These costumes are not going to make theirselves! Let's do this Clyde, we'll make them better then before, now grab me that notepad with Bebe Stevens measurements on."

Clyde picks up a notepad that is placed on the table. He looks at it with a raised eyebrow. "Who is this girl on the front of it?" He asks, handing it to me.

I grab the book and open it to the measurements page. "It's Usagi Tsukino, or Sailor Moon."

"Okay.. Now the real question, what are Bebe's measurements?" Clyde's asks, mischief shining in his brown eyes.

"Hell no. If I told you that, Bebe would kill me. Now, grab the tape measure and give me that fabric pencil," Clyde shuffles around grabbing what I need.

"Please would be nice," he mutters.

"I heard that," I say back, checking the measurements and putting them on the fabric.

"Anything else your highness?" Clyde asks, bowing.

"Yes, that mannequin. The female one. Bring it over. And I prefer the name 'my Lord' thank you." Clyde laughs and pushes the mannequin over.

"Anything you say my Lord."

"Now, that's more like it."


I know it's not that interesting of a chapter, but you guys deserved an update. I have a question though, what would you guys think of a Tsundere Tweek?


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