Chapter 7| Craig

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The next day, I'm forced to help out again. I had already painted over another board, this one was of Alice and the Queen of Hearts having a lesbian encounter, and now I have to help some actors.

I have no clue who I will be helping, but apparently I have to direct them and correct them if they get their lines wrong.

I wait backstage for them to turn up, watching in amusement as Clyde rushes around. He's picking up more fabric and thread. He's also carrying wigs and shoes. I snicker and he tend to glare at me.

"Fuck you Craig." He hisses, and I flip him off.

"You're Stoley's bitch." I say back, and Clyde glares.

"And you're my bitch." A voice says, and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump and turn around.

"Classy Bebe." A British accent calls out. Gregory emerges from the shadows, holding a pink script with Tweek and Bradley behind him. They are both giggling and speaking to each other.

"I'm not your bitch Bebe." I state, and she scoffs, waving around her script.

"For the next hour and a half, you are. Now come on, you're helping us with the Tea Party scene." Bebe walks ahead, swaying her hips and her boots clicking on the wooden floor.

I feel myself get pushed forward, and I turn again to see Tweek. "Come on C-Craig, we haven't got a-all day."

"Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" Bradley exclaims, skipping ahead. Gregory sighs and pushes past me, following Bradley and Bebe and also shaking his head.

I sigh once again, and follow the loud and talented drama students to the gym. Apparently, the students who are supposed to be doing gym are outside so the coach has allowed the drama club access to the space.

There is a table set out in the middle, 4 chairs around it. There is also a prop
tea set and a chair further away from the table, a thick pink script placed on top of it.

Tweek, Bebe, Bradley and Gregory walk forward and sit at the table. Bebe at the head of the table, Tweek sat next to her, Bradley next to him and Gregory on the other side.

I take a seat on the separate chair, picking up the pink script and turning to the correct page.

"Well, act then." I say, shrugging. Bebe scoffs and stands up, walking towards a dark corner of the gym.

Slowly, she comes into the light. Bradley acts as if he was asleep, and Tweek and Gregory rest their arms on him.

"Wow," Bebe says, addressing an imaginary audience, "that looks uncomfortable for him." She motions to Bradley, and walks even closer towards the table.

Tweek and Gregory's gazes snap towards Bebe.

"No room! No room!" They shout, and Bebe puts on a skeptical look.

"What? There's TONS of room!" Bebe says, emphasising on the word 'tons.'

"Bebe, the line is there's plenty of room." I tell her, and she tuts.

"Damnit. What? There's PLENTY of room!" She exclaims, marching towards the seat at the head of the table and sitting down.

"Have some wine." Gregory says cheerfully, smiling at Bebe.

"I don't see any wine."

"There isn't any." Gregory says back, his tone now flat.

"Then you shouldn't have offered it." Bebe snaps, crossing her arms.

"Well, you shouldn't have sat down uninvited." Gregory snaps straight back.

"Well, it's set out for much more than three people." Bebe comments.

"Your hair wants cutting." Tweek cuts in, his voice altered and higher than normal. I can't help but stare at him. He sounds so calm and relaxed, his stutter completely gone. He's sat like a gentleman, most likely for the role of the Hatter, and is smirking as he says his line.

It's really mesmerising to watch the three act. They are extremely talented.

"Craig! Tweek just said his line wrong!" Bebe points out, and Tweek scoffs.

"I'm p-pretty sure I know my lines." He says back, removing his arm from Bradley. Bradley sits up and shifts uncomfortably. Gregory sighs and studies his own script.

"I find it annoying that you correct me, but not Tweek. He said; You might  as well say that 'I see what I drink' is the same thing as 'I drink what I see.' It should be eat, not drink."

I glance down at my script and nod.

"Yeah, you said it wrong Tweek." Tweek sighs and places his glasses back over his nose, they were previously balanced on the top of his head, and he stares at his pink script in his lap.

"Well sorry f-for having b-bad eyesight." Tweek mutters, and he glares at me.

I put my hands up in surrender.

"You fucked up my teeth, it was pay back." I comment, and Tweek rolls his eyes.

"You f-fucked up my eyesight. There is a d-difference."

"Can we just get back to the scene? You two fight like an old married couple." Gregory says, crossing and uncrossing his legs.

"You and Mole aren't any better." Bebe sneakily adds, and Gregory flings a plastic spoon at her.

"My relationship with him is none of your business, now let's get back to the scene." Bebe scoffs, and makes a rude but funny gesture, and then Tweek repeats his line.

"You might as well say that "I see what I eat" is the same thing as "I eat what I see'" Tweek says, back into character so quickly that it shocks me.

"You might as well say," Gregory adds cockily, "that 'I like what I get' is the same thing as 'I get what I like'"

"That IS the same thing for you." Tweek motions towards Gregory, and the three students sit in a small silence. I'm about to but in, but Tweek plows on with his next line. "What day is it?"

"T-" I'm cut off by Bebe, and I feel my cheeks go red when I notice Tweek's question was part of the script.

"Fourth." She says, giggling slightly. "I'm sorry, but Craig that was so cute."

"What was?" I ask emotionlessly, not wanting her to talk about that embarrassing moment.

"You attempting to answer Tweek's question and turning red." Bebe giggles again, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

"It was a mistake." I say, feeling my cheeks heat up again.

"A-A cute mistake." Tweek says, then coughs, "I mean! A s-stupid mistake! Y-you have the script in front of y-you dumb face!"

"Tweek! You're bright red!" Bebe squeals, I can't help but stare at Tweek.

He just called something I did cute.


This was so much fun to write. There is going to be a lot of reciting lines, so I hope that isn't boring. If so, let me know.


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