Chapter 15| Craig

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You know what really annoys me?

And it's even more annoying that Clyde.

When you have plans with someone but you don't have their phone number.

How the fuck am I supposed to know where to meet Tweek? Or what time?

The sensible thing would be to go to his house, but I really can't be bothered.

Especially if I go all the way to his house, and then find out that he's not there and he's come to my house.

I sigh and glance at my phone, the time is 12:30.

Currently, my room is filled with the sound of Melanie Martinez and I'm dressed to leave the house. The problem is, I don't know when I need to leave my house. I should just go over to Tweek's. I know where he leaves, and it is a bit of a walk, but I'm not doing anything specifically important.

Why not?

I snatch my headphones off of my dresser and plug them into my phone. I put my headphones in, Melanie's voice exploding into my ears loudly. I flinch and turn the sound down, and then shove my phone into my pocket.

I walk out of my room, not before placing a slip of paper in the door to see if anyone has been in when I get home, and head downstairs. I also attempt to avoid my family, but Ruby is one of those people who wants to know everyone's business. She marches up to me and taps my shoulder. I ignore her, walking towards the door and humming along to Alphabet Boy.

"Craig!" She shouts loudly, and I can hear her over the music. I ignore her again.

She doesn't give up.

"Mum!! Craig's ignoring me!!" She whines/shouts, and I don't hear my mother's reply since I'm out of the door and walking to Tweek's house.

The walk is boring and uneventful, like most walks, and so is the whether. It's not snowing like it usually does, and instead it's just cloudy. Even though it isn't snowing, there is still snow pulled up against houses or traces of it on the road. It's strange, but I guess it's cold enough to keep the snow intact.

I approach the Tweak house, and walk up the drive to knock on the door. Unfortunately, Tweek doesn't answer.

"Oh hey! You're Creag right? Hey Creag! Do you need Tweek?" Mr Tweak asks me, and I nod, trying to hold back my need to correct my name.

Mr Tweak steps aside, allowing me access into his house.

"Tweek's in his room." He tells me, closing the door behind him. "Knock first, he gets angry if you just barge in."

"Thanks," I say, my voice flat. I climb up the stairs. I'm surprised.

All these years I've known Tweek, as an enemy of course, I always thought his house would smell of coffee. It doesn't. It smells of vanilla.

But I always thought Tweek would smell of coffee. He doesn't. He smells of strawberries.

There is three doors up here. I'm guessing one is the bathroom, the other is Mr and Mrs Tweak's room and the last one is Tweek's. I glance at each door and study it.

One door has a light switch next to it. I walk over and turn it on. The hallway light stays the same, but a soft glow comes from under the door I'm stood next to.


Two doors left.

The last two doors are exactly the same. Brown and boring. I lean against the one closest to the bathroom and listen.

It's quiet.

I finally walk towards the last door and lean my ear against it. There's a voice. I ego nose it as Tweek. I step back, and knock once.

"O-one sec mum!" He shouts, and I hear him scrambling around in his room. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not your mum." I say, and Tweek stops scrambling.


"Yes. I thought we had plans today." I say through the door. Tweek obviously trips on something since I feel something slam against the door, and his voice becomes louder.

"T-the acting class?" He asks, and I nod. Then realise he can't see me.


"I d-didn't think you still w-wanted to go." He says, and the door opens.

Tweek is standing there, his hair tied back messily and the shorter parts of his hair escaping the clasp of the hair tie. He's wearing a green sweater that's clearly too big for him as it falls off of his right shoulder, revealing the bare skin. He's also wearing blue jeans and no shoes.

The door isn't fully open, but I can get a glimpse of Tweek's bed room. It's messy, with paper pilled up in one corner, I'm guessing they're scripts, art supplies scattered around the room and his bed sheets on the floor. I also get a glimpse of a few posters on his wall, Death Note, The Last of Us and Superheroes is all I can see.

"Well, i-if you still want to go, I can get my shoes and w-we can leave. It starts in about 45 minutes." Tweek tells me, and I nod.

"Sure. I'll wait for you downstairs." I tell him, and then I turn around and leave him. I walk down the stairs, ignoring the greeting from Mrs Tweak, and wait at the door for Tweek.

About four minutes later, Tweek comes downstairs. He's changed his shirt, he's now wearing a Superman shirt that actually fits him, and he's wearing brown boots.

"O-okay, let's go."


I'm sorry that this chapter was CRAP


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