10: "i was not scared!"

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Post-watching Conjuring 2, Taylor and Tom has.. Issues.

This was made the time Conjuring was booming, I just haven't had the time to publish it yet ;)


"That was.. Something."

Sometimes, things you'd do for the people you love could get out of the league. I, for the contrary, have sworn to never ever watch the Conjuring, or the sequel, or even the other series after that, since I do not want to experience utter fear that occurs during or even after watching it.

Then this beautiful creature named Taylor Alison Swift has to come into my life and break that promise from me.

Although I believe in gender equality, and that I believe not all men has to act as if they had bigger balls than women, It was obvious that I do not want to embarrass myself in front of Taylor, a girl who has balls to do everything she does. It was also obvious that she was also a big fan of the first Conjuring movie, as she tries to contribute that subject into, like, every conversation we have (including cats and Doctor Who). She's been waiting for the sequel for ages, I could see that. It wasn't long until the day it was released in New York, and that we were the first one in line to experience the thriller.

If you expect those romantic cliches where the girl gets scared during a horror movie and hides her face by cuddling to the boy next to her, that's where you get completely wrong.

Because we were both scared as hell.

Because of that, we ended up screaming like idiots while throwing popcorns to each other (which was completely unnecessary, but hey, you do stupid things when you're terrified).

"Yeah, it was." Taylor said, still paralyzed after we went out of the theater. "Let's see it again!" Her face suddenly brightened.

I looked at her disapprovingly. "That was one of the worst experience I had, and you want to go again?"

"What, I think it's fun when we both scream together!" Taylor took the bits of popcorn off her hair. She stopped. "God, that sounds so wrong."

I shook my head. "I certainly didn't took any satisfaction during that awful experience. Look, I got popcorn all over my shirt." Although I sound so negative, that experience did amused me, especially looking at Taylor's horrified face, I couldn't imagine how mine looked like.

Taylor nudged me on the shoulder. "What, were you scared, Loki?"

I snarled. "I was not scared." All I hear was lies. "It just confuses me how people would torture themselves with 2 hours of screaming and dramatic music."

Taylor smirked. "Damn right, Loki."

"Hey, it's not like you weren't scared!"

"I was, and you were. We were both scared." She pursed her lips. "The problem is not what you feel during the movie, it's what you feel after the movie. Post-The Conjuring." She smiled mischievously. "You sure you're not scared anymore?"

"Are you threatening me, Swift?" I stepped closer to her.

"Just wanted to make sure your ego doesn't go as high as the Eiffel Tower." She snapped back.

"I will not let my whole week ruined by a horrible horror movie."

"The thrill does not go away that fast, my friend."

I laughed and put my arms on her shoulder, brushing away the nonsense. "You take this thing really seriously, don't you?"

She shrugged. "I get invested to different kinds of movies loads of time. You know, just to test my bravery."

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