The One Where Breakfast Is A Club.

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John Bender. Wore a large trench coat with gloves, plaid and jeans for a jacket that day. Claire Sandish wore pink and brown, nifty boots as her small coat remained the same color as Bender's. Brian Johnston was in Khaki's & green while Allison Reynolds was submitted to all black. Andrew Clark stayed with the Sport's look while I stood with a floral dress, complimented with yellow converse.

We all sat in a huddle, each and everyone one of us taking a bland shot at our external lives, Outside this school. Debating on seeing each other again.

Everyone in the group was something, after that day I discovered what I was. A normality. We all had a blast seconds ago, I found out how awesome these people were by just getting stuck in detention. But it was soon ruined.

I hadn't expected Claire to ask me what happens to me, it was so stricing. I was devastated hearing that question no asked me in a long time,

"What about you Y/N? What goes on with your parents?"

"They're divorced." I said quietly, biting on my nail. Andrew noticed my nervousness as I tried not to look at his challenging gaze. "And? How does that affect you?" He asked, trying to get a good look of my scared face.

"What do you mean how does it affect me? It affects me none." I snapped suddenly. He backed his body up a bit as Bender squinted his eyes at me.

"Y/N. I think we all know something happens by just staring at you being equally uptight." He smirked.

"Then quit staring! I'm not telling none of you shit." I yelled, full enraged as I crossed my arms, leaving my comfortable position, Bender started to lean in from sitting on his back & edged closer to my huffed expression.

"You're pretty sexy when you're angry."

"Cut it out Bender." Andrew said, shoving Bender's chest back down to the chair. He just put his hands up and surrendered.

"You know what? You all can go to hell, why would you share your problems with complete strangers that you're never gonna talk to again but see every single day? It's a shame that we get to exploit every single word you all kept in private for three long years of high school." I saw everyone give looks to each other, Bender didn't react as Brain spoke up,

"I'd rather tell someone my problems then stay quiet all the time."

"But why?" I hissed, sucking on my teeth and pinching my nose in agitation. "Screw this." I huffed, feeling my eyes quickly glisten with hateful tears. I pushed myself off the floor and went to my returning desk from the beginning of this day. Andrew followed me, slowly approaching me from behind as I released the waters hiding in my eyes. My sloppy chokes saddened him as he put a hand on my back.

"What do they do to you?" He asked lowly, I knew everyone was listening intently from behind.

"My mom.. She started dating again when I was three. It was fine until this year, her boyfriend..He--" I started to explain, but ended up choking up on my hard spit stuck in my throat. The tears rolled down with a speed as I just gnawed on my nail. "He does things to me that he never does with my mom."

"Like?" He asked again, same low tone evident in his voice.

"Like touching, groping, hurting, forcefully! Anything you all can name in the damn book. Don't you get it?! I'm sexually abused! I'm a victim of that crap. God, the man's 36!" I cried frantically. I never told anyone of this horrible experience, I was the normality facing insecurity because of what that man does to me. Andrew's face grew hard as he couldn't believe what I had just admitted. "He..he does that to you? But, you're only sixteen.." He gulped.

"Yes and he's 36! Like I didn't make it clear enough, yes. He does all that, and nobody can stop it. Not the school, guidance counselor, teachers..No one. I have no one." I said, loosing my voice never the end as my lip quivered shortly. Andrew looked down, staring at the ground coldly as I rested my head on his large exposed shoulder, letting out the shredded cries & sobs of the past four tragic months of my life. I felt his both hands go up to my back and hug me gently, as If I could break within seconds. My breathing ranged heavy as Claire took off her coat, resting it next to a spot near her, finally gazing up at me with tearful eyes,

"Come on Hun." She croaked after hearing my short passage of entirely horrid abuse. Allison left her hair in her face and bit down on her lip, her eyeliner running. Brian's face got red at the news. Bender held his fingers to his face and had the same hateful face Andrew had as he rubbed his face, whispering apologizes to me as the whole afternoon drifted by of tragic nothing's.



The very Evening came soon as everyone parted their ways, I got to know the serious sides to them as we left the school, Bender going to the Football field, Claire, Brian's, and Allison's parents came to pick them up as I waved them off.

"Let me know if you need me to kick his ass for you." Andrew said, fixing up my dress strap as he lifted my chin and pecked my lips softly. I smiled into the kiss as we released.

Will I ever see what Bender wrote down that labeled us ever again in the same way? I don't know. But what I am sure of is that today, I met 5 different people, 6 including me. I was entirely surprised with myself. I found a new me.

A Criminal,

A Princess,

A Basket case,

A Brain,

An Athlete,

& a Normality...who's not so normal as she thought she had it. Then again, aren't we all? (;

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