Chapter 38 "Aimophobia"

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At this chapter I'm gonna change the pov at the middle of the scene. Don't get confused.

Sorry for the grammatical errors!

Nef's pov

I woke up laying on the bed. I barely disn't remember anything. What did it happen? I widened my eyes forcing myself to adapt to the strong sun light. I had to communicate with the environment and especially to remember. I saw a glass of water next to me. I drunk it.myself was refreshed. Something came to my mind. The blood sight. Oh! What had I done? Was Rich okay? Was he? I wanted someone to reassure it. "Mum" I screamed. I knew she wasn't here but somebody would come. I had to know if he was alright. My worries left my body when I saw him standing by the door.

"Hi little sleeper!" He softly said smiling tightly. He was worrying more than I was.

"Hey! Are you... okay? I mean" my hands moving with my body awkwardly. "I'm so sorry for not being here. For you!" I apologised. I wasn't able to deal with blood. I'm a terrible best friend. Aimophobia was over me. It was always up.

"It's okay Nef! Chill' I'm okay. Only a scratch. " he replied laughing. Was I that silly? I wished no!

"You were sleeping when I came at 3 o' clock. I came here becau-" I stopped him.

That was important. "What time is it?" I asked panicked.

"Half past 4! What the hell hap-" I stopped him again.

"I have to find Jeff!" I announced and panicked u threw away the sheets ready to leave. I was still a little bit dizzy but I couldn't delay it. I wouldn't!

"Chill Nef!" He replied but I didn't heard him. I had to leave."Nefeli stay right there. On your bed." I still ignored him. "Stop it!" He yelled with his strict voice. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the bed. I was lying now.

"I'll have to see him. Please!" I begged. I wanted so string to express my thoughts to him. It was the most dedicated to my choice that I've ever been. I never was that sure. I had to go despite the dizziness.

"He is here! " He Announced with a sad tone. He tried to hide it but I knew him. But I was shocked. Was actually Jeff here? How? "I'm going to call him!" He said placing a fake smile to me.

His dark blue eyes were in pain.

Did I had heard him that much?

*Rich's pov*

I left her room. I finally had deal with my fears and I was ready to tell her. Everything! Express my feeling. Speak to her about everything! I had fallen in with her. I always was but I discover it right now. That last month. Her miss; it made me feel like a crumpled paper. Hurted. I couldn't breath well. She was my oxygen. And I was ready to confess. I'll tell her something like that.

The plan was that: "You were sleeping when I came at 3 o' clock. I came here because I wanted us to talk. But as I said you were sleeping!" He would say " What did you want us to talk about?" Ugh... I could feel her voice. I could dream her replying like that with her green eyes sparkle and her voice soft as always. And then I would explain.

Plain enough for everybody else, complicated for me!

But the plan failed.

I went downstairs. I had to call this asshole. For only her! I didn't care about that slut (he wasn't but I was happy calling him). I cared about her happiness. If I couldn't make her, Jeff definetely could. I'll stay back. I just stood by her when she wanted. Keep that title 'best friend'.

"She wants you!"I said and then I left the living room. I couldn't deal with my jealousy. I wanted to punch him till he bleed. And then he wouldn't see Nef because he would make her faint again. Easy plan. Sustain myself. I had to stay quiet. Jeff was a slut. But he cared about her. No one would come to her house because he didn't come to a meet they had. He was like a knight. I always remember when he came to find me to swear me for his loss and the ruin that my dad had provoke to his family. Another reason to hate my dad. He hurted everybody with the worst way. Yes, my dad was mixed for my hate for Jeff. But Jeff was the victim. And I hated that!

I went to the bathroom. I wanted to brush my teeth and leave. I couldn't cope with my my jealousy. I went to the downstairs to the bathroom. Damn! I forgot. My toothbrush was upstairs. I had the toothbrush there for our sleepover.

And that was the excuse. I wanted to brush my teeth and I went to the bathroom. And the plan; eavepoking. I didn't used to eavepoke but I wanted so desperate to listen.

Bad timing!

When I came closer to her bedroom's door, it opened. I saw Jeff. Face to Face. With a tight and shy smile. What they talked about ? I wanted desperately to know. I didn't say anything.

I left.

At 7 o' clock, her parents came. I had informed them that they came as soon as possible. I said goodbye and then I left. I didn't say anything to Nef. I was jealous and I couldn't handle it. I would burst out on her if I went inside her room.

I didn't want to.

I didn't want to broke our best friend relationship.

I left in silence.

I hope you enjoy it.

The inspiration still fill me up.

My cousin is helping me with satanic ideas like lesbians and deaths and I think that with some changes I'm gonna achieve the best finalé.

The update will be tomorrow!

Good night!

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