Chapter 3

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5 years later...
Sam and Connie stepped off the plane. It was the first time that she had been back at Holby for 5 years. "Mum! Dad!" Came the screams from across the airport. Grace and Aiden ran into their mum and dads arms. Kieron was stood behind them smiling. Kieron was now 27 (don't know what his age would actually be, but oh well!) and had moved to Holby last year. Because Sam and Connie had decided to come back to Holby last minute, and they had to sort out their resignations and sell their house, Grace and Aiden flew over 2 days early to see Kieron.

Aiden was 4 years old last weekend. He was Sam's son, not Jacob's. When Connie and Grace first arrived in New York (5 years to this day) she was a mess. This resulted in 3 months later sleeping with Sam. They both agreed that it was a blessing in disguise. Well, Sam said but Connie mostly sat there wondering how to break it off. That was until she got ill one weekend and in Sam's words 'Connie Beauchamp never gets ill, so something must be wrong.' When they told Grace that Connie was pregnant she pretended to be happy and of course she was happy now that she had a little brother but, she always felt guilty. Her mum was never as happy with her dad in America as she was in Holby with Jacob. And she felt like if she had never given her mum an ultimatum, then she wouldn't have been so unhappy. But Grace knew her mum didn't love her any less because of it.

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