Chapter 6

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I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. I'm going to try and write more so hopefully it won't be long until the next update xx-Em

As Connie, Sam and Aiden walk into the ED, they all witness the scene in from of them. Jacob and Grace hugging with Elle and Charlie stood behind. "Gracie!" Aiden shouted before running into her arms with had previously been held by Jacob. They both wiped the tears off of their faces and Jacob brought himself to look at where the little boy had come from. And he saw someone he thought he would never see again.

Elle was the only person who was extremely confused about who these people were. Jacob had never told his best friend about Connie so it was a big shock for her to be stood there seeing this scene unfold. She could see how much this was hurting Jacob so she decided to talk to Connie and Sam. "You must be Grace's parents." Elle said whilst she shook their hands. "Well, her arm is broken but that is the only thing that we can see so she will be fine to go home now." "Thank you." Sam said as Elle walked away and dragged Jacob with her.
"Elle, man what you doing?"
"Who is she?"
"Her out there! Her daughter. Her husband. Her son. How do you know them?"
Jacob paused before deciding to answer her. "Connie, she used to work here. Clinical lead. That's all."
"Jacob it didn't look like that was all?"
"I went out with her. I loved her."

As Jacob came back to the nurses station, Connie saw him. "I'm just gonna pop up and see Elliot. I'll be down in a bit."
"Ok, tell him I said hi." Sam said.
"Okay." Connie replied with a forced smile, walking towards the lift not knowing that Jacob was following her.

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