Chapter 7

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I don't know where to start. I feel like I want to hide underneath a rock 😁. I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been really busy and tbh I kind of lost inspiration for this fanfic until Saturday's episode (which can I just say, OMG!). I hope you haven't lost interest in this and I will try and update in the next couple of days if possible. So so sorry xx-Em

"Con..." Jacob said whilst following her up the second set of stairs away from the eyes of the ED. But she didn't stop when she heard his voice until he said "I know why you left." She stopped dead in her tracks as Jacob tried to walk in front of where she was standing whilst she was trying to hide the tear that had fallen. "What do you mean?" Connie asked.
"Grace, she told me. How she asked you to leave me but you didn't want to hurt me so left."
"Jacob I-"
"No, it's ok. I get it. I just wished you'd told me." He said as silence fell upon them, neither knowing what to say.
"The little boy, is he yours?" Jacob asked cautiously.
"Yeah." Connie replied quietly looking at the floor. "I know what you think of me. Sleeping with Sam so soon after leaving."
"Well, whatever you think I think. It's probably wrong." He chuckled, lifting her chin so that they were going into each other's eyes.  "I don't blame you. I know you didn't want to leave but you felt like you had no choice. Do you love him?" Jacob asked taking his hand away from her chin but neither of them ever losing their gaze.
Connie blinked trying so hard to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall but it was no use. "Depends what you mean as love." Connie replied.
"I mean, do you love him as much as you loved me?"
"You might need to rephrase that question."
"What do you mean?"
Connie decided to just come out and tell him the truth. "The question should be: Do you love him as much as you love me? I never stopped loving you."
When he heard this a smile came to Jacobs face almost immediately. "And I you sweetcheeks." He replied as they both leaned in for what they had both been waiting for, for 2 years. "So, I'm guessing you love me more right?" Jacob laughed as they pulled away and his arms went to Connie's waist almost as if it was second nature as her arms did the same to his neck. "Yeah." She laughed back as they leaned in for another kiss. The thing they had both been dreaming about for so long but neither thought was possible until now.

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