Chapter 5

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Connie and Sam made their way to the hospital, Connie holding Aiden's hand. They got out of their car and made their way into the ED, Connie taking a slow breath, scared at the fact of seeing Jacob again. Just before they went inside Sam stopped and signalled for Connie to follow him over to the wall. "Con, you know I love you. And I know you love me." He said holding her hands. "But I know you love Jacob more. What you don't know is that, when you and Grace first arrived in America, she told me how much she regretted giving you that ultimatum and how happy you were with Jacob. I'm not going to lie and say it didn't hurt me because it did. So much. But all I want is for you to be happy. And if you go back in there and explain everything to Jacob, and he forgives you, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine as long as your happy." Sam said, wiping the tears off of Connie's face as she nodded her head. They then walked with Aiden, to find Grace.

When Grace was brought into the ED...
Grace was walking bravely into the ED. She didn't know if she could face Jacob, face telling him that everything that happened is down to her. But she had to.
She was sat in her cubicle with Charlie when her doctor came in and closed the curtain behind her. "Hi Grace, I'm Doctor Gardener." She said before pausing to look at Charlie. "What are you doing in here Charlie?" She asked calmly as she got the stuff out to treat Grace. "He's family." Grace said smiling at Charlie, and as he smiled back he grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Elle was packing away the stuff after putting Grace's arm in a sling when the curtain swung open. "Doctor Gar-" Came Jacob's voice until he realised who was in the cubicle. She still had the same face, it was now much older looking obviously but the beautiful features were still there. Grace walked out of the cubical quickly trying to avoid confrontation as the tears of guilt fell down her face matching Jacob's own.
"Why are you walking away from me Grace?" He said as they stopped by the nurses station. (Elle and Charlie had followed them out of the cubicle.)
"Because it's all my fault." She said turning around so that Jacob could see the tears falling freely down her face. "What?"
"I gave mum an ultimatum. Break up with you or I go back to dad for good." She said which left Elle even more confused as to who this girl was and how she knew Jacob because no-one had ever told her about who's job she had taken over.
"But she didn't break up u with me, not properly."
"No, but I went back to dad, didn't I? Except this time, mum came with me."
"You've been in America all this time?' Jacob questioned. Out of all of the places he had thought Connie had gone, New York where Sam was, was never one of them.
Grace nodded in response to his question and then carried on. "She was never as happy in America as she was with you. She just didn't tell you we were leaving because she couldn't bear to see you hurt. I never meant to hurt you. I'm so so sorry Jacob. If I could take it back right now I would."
"I know firecracker, I know." He said and opened his arms as Grace ran into them.

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