Chapter 6

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Lauren and Camila looked out over the main deck as they docked in the Isla de Bajas.

Camila smiled and turned to Lauren "You're free."

But, Lauren just shook her head and embraced the brunette. "I'm yours."

"Come on, come on." Dinah urged. "We're home and I want to see my Normani."

Camila and Lauren let Dinah lead them unto the island and towards the spice shop that Normani's family owned.

When they got there, Dinah ran to the tan girl working behind the counter.

"Mani!" Dinah cried out and embraced the girl, pulling her into a passionate kiss. "I've miss you."

"Normani." Papi Kordei called out. "Who is it?"

"Dad." Normani answered. "It's Dinah and Camila." The other girl turned back to Dinah and kissed her again. "I missed you too. I love you."

"I love you too, which is why Camila is here. She's got a job to do." Dinah pushed.

"Alright Dinah." Camila exclaimed. "Firstly, Normani, I'd like to introduce you to my wen... well she's not my wench anymore, my girlfriend?" Lauren nodded. "Right, my girlfriend, Lauren Jauregui. Lauren this is Normani Kordei, Dinah's soul mate. Now, on to the pirate business. Since you've been friends with me and Dinah forever, and you are the love of her life, my parents' would formally like to offer you a spot as a pirate on La Baja."

"What does that even mean?" Normani asked.

"It means we can be together." Dinah said. "It means that you can live on the ship with me and that we really can be in a relationship like we've always wanted."

"But," Camila interjected, "It also means that you now have pirate status and have to obey and swear to the pirate code. It means that you'll be away from home for long periods of time and have to abide by the hierarchy system. We have to keep up appearances and we can't use our own names in public. We gain a pirate name. You know mine and Dinah's, but you've never had to use them before. If you agree to become a pirate, you will."

"I think I can handle that." Normani smiled proudly. "And I'm always away from home, because home is wherever Dinah is." Dinah embraced the girl again and smiled, giving off a look that Camila and Normani both knew meant things were going to get very steamy very soon.

"Well it was nice seeing you Normani." Camila chirped. "I'll see you again real soon. Dinah, don't break her. Lauren, come on. I'm going to take you home." Camila led Lauren towards the Cabellos' house and Dinah kissedNormani quickly.

"Think you can take a long break?" Dinah flirted.

Normani just smiled. "Dad. Dinah and I are going to hang out, okay?"

"Normani," her father scolded, "what about the shop?"

"I'm becoming a pirate, Dad. Have my brothers pick up the slack. Right now, I want to spend time with my pirate."

Normani quickly takes Dinah to her room and shuts the door. "I really missed you." And with that Normani kissed Dinah with all that she had and Dinah eagerly returned every bit of it. Clothes were quickly shed and Normani and Dinah quickly made up for all of their lost time.

"Amazing." Normani mumbled.

"You're amazing." Dinah said. "And before I forget, I got something for you. I picked it up in Tortuga." Dinah reached into her pants pocket to pull out the necklace. "It's a tear, because I'm always so sad when you're not here."

Normani sat up and Dinah fastened the necklace around her. "Now, you won't have to be sad again. I'm not letting you go anywhere without me."

"I love you, Alma Linda."

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