Confidence Is Key

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Posters! Posters everywhere!
I've always dreamed of going to this place, ever since I graduated middle school. The posters in my room are almost all of Yuki High-School, which is not only the best school in my hometown, but 100% guaranteed to get me into the best college. I've been called nerd before but I never really realized until I realized I know what "yuki" means. It's Japanese for "snow". I used to be in Japanese class at my old school, but this school is way bigger and better. There's so many more opportunities. I'm determined to pass all my classes with straight A's and.. maybe even get a cute girlfriend. I shook my head and laughed. I knew I was probably out of all their leagues. My confidence level went down a bit, but I managed to stand tall again. I stood up on my bed and put my hands on one of the posters. I could feel my dream future happening all because of this high-school. A smile crossed my face as I thought about walking into those double doors. The only thing I was really anxious about was the students. Sure, I've been bullied many times and it all came to an end the same way. I got a black eye and cried for 6 nights straight. But, this school is way too fancy for stuff like that! It'd be ridiculous for delinquents to go to such a nice school..

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