01: Lack of Virtue

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Lack of Virtue:

Virtue: -Latin: virtue, Ancient Greek: ἀρετή "arete"- is moral excellence.
-A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being.

Life changes unexpectedly, one minute you could be seen in a negative light and then in another minute you are being whisked away. You could be labelled the villain, the bad guy, the criminal yet you could give your all to protect those you love, you could be doing everything possible to save others, but you are never seen as anything but bad.

She knew all about being the bad guy.

The sub-temperatures of the night had caused the majority of Central City's population to huddle in the warmth of their own homes, those who were that idiotic to stay out in the freezing darkness were subjected to thieves, thugs and those few who had been zapped by an unknowingly powerful force projected by the particle accelerator.

Criminals littered the once empty streets, defying the very superhero who proclaimed to the city that their hometown was, in fact, safe... Safe from those who wished them harm or those who wished to victimise the weak.

There was no safety in Central City, other than a speedster in red tight spandex who had lost the same amount of people he had saved. Safety was a facade created by the mayor who so desperately wanted people to stay, pay the taxes and put more money in his already overfilled pockets. The population was a never ending source of income for him, and he strived off of them, leeching off of their bank accounts and their wages.

Safety. SAFETY?!

A giant lie. A great stupid lie, the streets were far from safe, it was just those with power had simply sugar coated it with their bright lights and their repetitive proclamations of peace.

Criminals, one after the other, would storm the streets waiting for their own turn to beat up the lanky boy with the never ending speed, ready to freeze, maim, kick, burn or anything they could do to just put the speedster down.

Central City was just as dangerous as Star City, Maybe worse... And those who disagreed were blinded by the beliefs of the government.

Clarissa Falls had been thrown into the little clan of meta-humans, forced to endure the ridicule and the pesky eyes of the public. The flash was a lucky son a bitch in her opinion, he was able to show himself in the light, with nothing other than speed that separated him for the normal. The flash could blend into the day with no one scared of his appearance, he could simply walk around with the sun beating down on his face... Walk freely among the humans, and she hated him for it.

That's all Clarissa had wanted, she just wanted to be normal and be accepted into the society of human ignorance, she wanted to be accepted as she was but no one would take her seriously. How could she apply for a job? How could she step outside in the day? How could she find someone to love her even with her curse?

Clarissa? When the blast had hit her, a ray of light had hurtled straight through her chest, she had awoken days later in a different location, scared out of her mind and unable to open her eyes without the harshness of the sun blinding her. It took her hours to finally be able to head back to her home because she had no idea where she truly was or how she had gotten there. Unknowingly people were pointing... Gawking... Laughing at her, and she had no patience to deal with it and no time to fully understand their ridicule. They continue to laugh at the tail that swished behind her and the ears the had protruded from the top of her ginger/ strawberry blonde hair.

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