Don't Leave Me, My Love (Chapter Ten)

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Jayy's POV

We had been waiting in the waiting area for about an hour or so. We received many rude comments and stares for our appearances but, I wasn't in the right mindset to deal with their shit so, I just flipped them off and carried on with my thoughts.

Haley looked just about as worried as I did. My makeup was smeared, my hair looked like shit, but I didn't care. I just want Dahvie. This is all my fault.. I yelled at him and he ran off to get away from me and someone hurt him. Who did this? Whoever did this was going to pay.

These doctors really need to hurry the fuck up.

Haley nudged me in the side unexpectedly and I almost bitchslapped her, but I decided now wasn't the right time. So, I just asked "Do you need something." And gave her my I-really-wanna-fuck-you-up-but-I-won't-right-now-but-watch-your-back look.

She then went on to say, "Jayy.. Have you realized that this is serious and Dahvie could die? What would we do? We have to try to find another lead si--" I cut her off and began to yell. "DON'T FUCKING THINK LIKE THAT! DAHVIE WILL MAKE IT." As I was about to really bitchslap her this time, a man in a white coat came out with a disappointed look on his face.. No, no, no, no, no. He must want to speak to someone else because I know Dahvie made it, he can't not make it, he just can't.

The doctor stood in the front and loudly asked "Is there any immediate family for Mr. David Torres?" Oh shit, no.. Don't do this to me God.. Please don't do this to me.

My feet felt as if they were glued to the ground. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. Haley went up to the doctor and told him that we were here for Dahvie. He then went on to ask if 'the strange man standing up' presumably me.. was with Haley. She said yes and they both motioned me to come over there. I felt like I now had better control of my feet and began to walk with Haley and the doctor. He took us into a room that had a sign that said 'Conference Room' No, this can't be happening.. They can't say he didn't make it.

A beam of hope shot through my hear as I thought, Maybe he's going to discuss how well Dahvie recovered. I hoped that I was right.. The only feeling I had left in my body was hope.

The doctor told us to take a seat. We sat down and waited for him to say something. What he said next crushed my soul..

"Mr. Torres was found by a middle aged couple who were hiking. They found him bleeding horrifically and around him were several blades. He had cut through a main artery in his wrist, cut open his thighs and cut his ribs severely. The couple found that he had his wallet in his pocket and called 911 and they took him to the nearest hospital to his residence. Now, which one of you is Jayy?"

I slightly raised my hand and told him that I am Jayy. He then handed me Dahvie's phone case which had small words engraved into it with what I assumed was the blade. It read, By the time you will have found this, I will hopefully be dead. This life has lost its meaning. If it is not too much to ask, please get the message to Jayy Von Monroe that I was in love with him and have been for a while. Also that I forgive him. Thank you -Dahvie Vanity.

Dahvie loved me? He loved me and I hurt him.. I am such a horrible excuse for a human being.

I looked over at Haley and she was sobbing. As was I.

The doctor tried to comfort us but I know how that shit works, they tell you it'll all be okay and then Dahvie will end up dying along with countless other members of families and he'll end up going home and act like nothing ever happened.. Wait, he never explained if Dahvie was alive or not.

When he was thinking along the same lines as I was he went on to say, "Mr. Torres is clinging to life by a thread, we highly doubt if he will make it but we put him on life support and will vigorously check his progress, if you wish to see him, you may."

Haley and I followed the doctor to room 111.. Funny how 11 is Dahvie's favorite number, it's also his lucky one. I hope his luck will take course. We went in and the first thing I noticed was his angelic face.. It looked as almost as if he was sleeping a peaceful dreamless sleep. He was wrapped almost head to toe is bandages and they were covered in blood. I can't believe he did this.. I didn't think he Cutted.. He always acted so negatively towards it. My baby hurt himself because of me.. That's all I could think about for the rest of the night.

Haley drove us home. I could tell that she was trying to stay strong for me, but was having a difficult time doing so.

When we reached the front door, I went to unlock it and as soon as I walked in, I sobbed. I can smell Dahvie, his sweet almost cotton Candy fragrance was pungent throughout the house. I reached the point where I couldn't cry anymore, no tears would come out anymore.

I decided to start praying again, I prayed as hard as I could that Dahvie would be okay, I had a weird reassuring feeling in my stomach.

I'm just going to leave it to the man upstairs. Haley was sobbing also. I went up to her and wrapped her in a tight hug and convinced her that everything was going to be okay.

She then asked if she could sleep in my room with me and I agreed because I knew that neither of us would hold up if we were alone.

I threw off my pants and shirt and went to go to my bed, I was too upset to put on any proper pj's. Haley threw off her pants and shoes so she was in a t shirt and underwear, which I had no problem with considering she's like my sister and there isn't a problem in not wearing pants.

Dahvie taught us all that.

Dahvie just hung around the bus naked almost 24/7, we all got used to the sight of his cock that we just named it Frank.

I missed Dahvie so badly...... And I wouldn't mind seeing Frank either.

I fell into a restless sleep with Haley wrapped in my arms.

With a voice going through my head saying, This is all your fault Jayy.


Hey sexy ass unicorns, I don't know about you but I think that that was the best chapter so far. I tried to make it as long as possible. I'm sorry if there are any spelling/grammatical mistakes but I haven't been to sleep in 37 hours and I decided to update for you gorgeous mo fo's <3 thank you @4eversgtc on Instagram for motivating me to get off my lazy ass and update for you guys. You might as well follow her because she's the reason you're reading this ^-^ But, please comment how you thought this went and if you have any suggestions etc. I'm always trying to improve my writing so if you have any tips, I'm all ears. (You should also comment if you love me) Or what you predict will happen. I'm excited to see what you guys think I have planned. Mwahahahahahahaha ;D

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