Jayy Is A Wha..? (Chapter Eleven)

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*Dahvie's POV*

I had probably about a million thoughts going through my head as I was walking down this hallway.. I'm still so confused as to how the hell I'm in heaven, if I'm even dead, what even happened.. I just.. WHUT DA HALE IS GOIN ONNNNNN.

23... 24... 25...

Shit.. What room did he say ?

Uh.. 23 ? Maybe ? UGH. I'll just go back and ask.

I was turning around to leave when I heard a firm yet soft voice saying, "David, this way."

I turned back around and almost pissed myself at what I saw..

It was Jesus. It was literally Jesus. I didn't even believe.. I.. What..

I approached him lightly and he have me a hug.. It was so warm and loving.

I instantly just felt.. Pure in his presence.

"So David, I bet you have a million questions as to why you're here," he said calmly. "Well, let me just explain things to you." He said, and looked into my eyes; like he could see into my soul.

"Well son, no, you're not dead. We couldn't just let you go like that, you have so much potential left. But, the main reason you're here is because, your friend Jeremy is an ancient, very rare species of human-born angel. See, his 30th generation great grandmother was an angel, who left heaven with Lucifer and fell in love with a human. She didn't go to hell like all the other angels who left, she went down to Earth, settled down with a human, and married and fathered his children. Because she did not go to hell, she still had all her powers and angelic abilities. She also stayed in touch and we forgave her.

Jayy is the only human-born angel left on Earth.. Lucifer has obviously gotten to him. But, today, Jayy prayed, and asked for forgiveness and I saw the sincerity in his heart. It is not Jayy's fault he became satanic, Lucifer coerced him to believe everything wrongly and wouldn't let go. But, Jayy came to us, and we have hope.

David, I know that you yourself questioned if I existed, and I cannot blame you. The way that everything is taught and explained nowadays has a large impact on the amount of Christians today. But, he promised that if your life was spared that he would become a Christian. He thought he would still go to hell but no boy, that's where he's wrong. People look at me as hatred now. But, all I am is love, I accept everyone, I forgive everyone, I love everyone. Jeremy has a love for you like you couldn't imagine, the way that you feel about him is the exact way he feels about you. David, I'm going to allow you to live your life, and be happy and get married to Jayy, and when you die, I promise there will be a mansion reserved for you and Jayy. Just please, make sure that Jayy does what is right, and the same goes for you. If you are in need of anything, I'll always be right there, I always have been. Don't tell Jayy about his great grandmother, just help lead him in the right direction. The same goes for you, young man. I'll be looking down upon you, remember what I said, and have a wonderful life David."

I felt as if I had been reborn.

Suddenly, I felt as if I were falling and got very dizzy.


A/N; So hey my little beauties c:

I've finally updated and I apologize so much for just now doing it. I've had horrible writers block and I just.. Yeah. I'm super sorry though.

Can you guys please understand that this is fanFICTION.

If you don't believe in God and don't want to read this, that's fine. But, these are just my views on religion.

I am a Christian, always have been, always will be. I can't explain to you why I know this, I kinda just feel it. I look at God and Jesus as very accepting and loving and caring. They will always be there for you. Always. As long as you have them in your heart and you do what is right by them, then you should have nothing to be worried about.

But yeah, comment, vote, fan. ❤️

I love you all so much and if you ever need anything, I'm right here. Let me know if you guys really want me to continue with this story, or any suggestions, or if you just wanna tell me what you feel so far, you're more than welcome to.

Have an amazing night/day everyone.

I love you all c:

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