Wedding night

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He could remember their wedding night like it just happened yesterday.
The whole wedding was pure stress for him and his wife, but they had to go through it. Luckily they were able to run away from the celebration. Yes, they did run away from their own wedding. Both of them did not like parties. The loud noises, the drunken people, the lights, everything was just too much.
They had decided to take a break in one of the smaller gardens of the palace and look up to the sky and the stars. They barley talked, but it was nice. They needed the silence.

One of her subordinates brought them back to the wedding, before someone important would realize that they were gone. The whole celebration was almost at it ends at that point.
He did not find out how her subordinate was able to find them so unbelievably fast, but in the end it did not even matter. She was strange and so were her companions.
Finding a "run away couple" was probably like shooting fish in a barrel for them.

The wedding night was somehow awkward. Hakuryuu was far away from being that naïve or from being stupid. He knew what everyone expected them to do now. The wedding, a contract, a celebration, the wedding night. And hopefully soon the birth of a crown prince.
It was a tradition in the Kou Empire that, as soon as a prince turned 14, he would get nightly visits from the concubines. Fortunately he never had to go through that shit, but now he more or less had to do it. That was what everyone expected from him – and her. That was what they had to do, because they were the emperor and the empress.
It was part of the wedding. Without it, it wouldn't be considered a real marriage, right?

It was so embarrassing awkward as both of them were standing in from of their bed, she on the one side and he on the other side. Silently looking down, not knowing what to say or do and avoiding eye contact.
In the end it was her that had broken the silence.
When she went into the bathroom he decided to sit down.
Both of them knew what they had to do. Both of them knew what they had to do theoretically.
He never ever had sex before and he was sure that it was the same for her. He didn't know how things worked at her place, but wasn't it the same for every princess in every country. No sex before the wedding. Well, Sindria may be an expectation. But she wasn't the princess of Sindria.

After hours – it felt like it took her hours – she finally left the bathroom. So it was his turn now. He also took his sweet time. His thoughts were somewhere else.
What the hell should he do now?
How should he start it?
Should he say something?
What if she was disgusted by his scars?
She had only seen the scar on his face.
What should he do, when she was disgusted by him?
So many thoughts and no answers.
Back then it had almost killed him, now he knew that she did not care at all.
For her he was the most beautiful person – besides her "wife" of course – on earth.

When he got back into the bedroom she already had laid down. She didn't sleep or pretended to, she just had looked at him. He had laid down next to her. And then there was the silence again, but at that time it was an unsettling silence.
It took them hours to finally fall asleep. In those hours they did not speak or even dared to move the slightest.

In his mind he was trying to make a plan, how to have sex with her. But every time, when he thought that he was ready, something inside of him stopped him from moving. Something told him not to come near her. To leave her alone. Something inside him told him that he should just lay next to her and be happy with it. He liked that "something".
He hoped that this "something" was also speaking to her – he never told her about that something; it would have been to embarrassing.

The next morning started as awkward as the night had ended, but at the end of that day they found out, that both of them were totally fine with not having sex with each other.
And no one had to know what happened or better said did not happened – and will never happen – at all.

His wedding night did go down in his history as the most awkward night of his – still – young life!

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