Tea time

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Hakuryuu had always liked drinking tea. He already liked tea as a child, while other children preferred sweet drinks. Now he loved drinking tea. Not simply every tea. He loved drinking the tea his wife made herself. She created a peach tea for Judar who would never admit but could not get enough of it.
His wife had teas in different flavors and for different situations. A tea in the morning to wake up, a tea during the day to calm down and regain some energy and a tea in the evening to relax and have a good night sleep later on. Hakuryuu often had drunken one of her teas to calm down, not only during the day but also in the morning or evening. So many things had still gone wrong after the civil war and there were probably a lot of things ahead of him that were about to go wrong. The difference now was just the simple fact that he was not alone anymore and that he had his wife's tea to calm himself down.
The best moments to drink a cup of the mint-honey tea – his favorite – were ones in which the world outside was cold, maybe raining or snowing, and he was sitting inside where it was warm. It gave him a strange feeling of comfort, safety, normality and peace. For a few moments he would forget all the cruel things this world was capable of.

The first time Hakuryuu tried the mint and honey tea of his wife he was very skeptical of it. The thought of mint combined with honey was so strange and somewhat absurd. But after he took the first sip he was amazed by it.
Whenever he was working and needed a break he would take a cup of her tea, made himself comfortable on his seat and slowly drink the tea, while looking out of the window. He loved such moments. Strangely in such moments his wife would often enter the room and asked for a few minutes in which she then would tell him whatever bothers her or had made her happy. If he compared her first visits with her later ones he realized that at the beginning she complain a lot about the empire and how it had worked and how the people had been treated by the former government and how Hakuryuu had to change that – they often had arguments about that topic. Later she was so happy that thing started to change, only to start to worry about Sinbad and his doings which then destroyed all the effort they all had put into the changes. He wanted too much too fast, was what she often had said. Hakuryuu had agreed. Since the murder of his family he started to think differently than the rest of his family and started to develop other goals and a different mindset. Still, even for him it was too much. Something that was taught you since birth could not be overthrown in just a few year in addition to a completely new agenda. Unfortunately, Hakuryuu barely could do anything against it. He could not fight Sinbad, not with weapons – and Hakuryuu did not even want that – nor with other means. Still, the young emperor had been surprised that his wife was the one who first expressed this thought about Sinbad. Wasn't she one of Sinbad's allies? Shouldn't she think like him? One the other hand, the King of Kina was not a fan of King Sinbad as well and still was part of the alliance.

It took Hakuryuu awhile to get his wife better, which was not surprising since the marriage was a political one and they had never met before and therefore never had the chance to get to know each other. So, he used the time in which he enjoyed a cup of tea to think about her. At first he thought this was something he only did because he did not knew her well, but even after getting to know her better and being married to her for longer, he still thought the most about her during tea time.

Once he thought that if she were a beverage she would be tea. Tea was very simple, just hot water and herbs. She was simple. Too simple for a lot of people. He had been one of those people. It was so simple to make her happy or sad. She liked it warm and fluffy, disliked cooked vegetables and spicy food, liked warm colors and sweets, disliked cold weather, liked gifts, disliked surprises, liked hearing compliments about people she loved, disliked being overlooked, belittled or not be taken serious, liked beautiful people and things, disliked injustice, inequality and prejudices. She was so normal and simple, just like the hot water of the tea.
And then there were the herbs. The vegetables she would never eat without being cooked first and the food that had to be spicy. The things she wanted to be surprised with. Her definition of beauty. How some things had to be cold – be it food or the weather at a certain time – or how she sometimes expresses that people would only learn what injustice meant and that it was wrong by facing the injustice they put others through themselves. How she thought and saw things one way but did the opposite of it because she knew that following those thoughts and emotions would lead to nowhere and would be wrong.

At the end he even started to compare others to beverage, too. Thinking about his wife while drinking tea made him think about the strangest things. It did not bother him anymore.


This time a short one.

1. Since I am not sure whether I already mentioned this, I will do it now (again):
It is alright if you send me suggestions for another chapter. Please be advised that there are only a few thing I will only write about once, like the marriagenight. If you want to read something about e. g. "holding hands" I will write more than one chapter about it, since it is more general and can be interpreted and used for more than one occasion. (I hope it is more or less understandable what I am trying to say. If not, just ask.)

2. Since I have only wrote one chapter from Hakuryuu's wife's point of view, I would like to ask, whether you want to read more chapters from her point of view or should I stick with Hakuryuu?

3. Thank you so far for reading my one shot collection! I hope you all could enjoy the chapters so far and will also like the future chapters.

4. If you like the one shot collection, you can also check out my other stories ^.^

5. Reviews/Comments would be very much appreciated.

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