12; aftermath

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The aftermath of the second trail had been many things. Cedric had won as he was the first to get back but as Harry Potter had saved Ron and Fleur Delacour's little sister he'd come as a close second. The excitement wore off however as every student was quickly bogged down in their school work once again. At least this time the warm summer air wasn't there to distract them.

Yet overall the general excitement of the Tournament ensued. After all the third and final task was only so far away and everyone wanted their school to win. Avena had turned down her hatred for the Golden Trio a smidge as Cedric was fond of the group. She couldn't see why but he maintained the opinion that 'one could dislike someone without being rude to them.'

Avena and Cedric were also dating now (according to the school at least). The two of them liked each other sure, heck they'd kissed and told each other on multiple occasions, but they hadn't actually gone on an official date. Cedric said their 'one' in Hogsmeade didn't count as it had ended horrendously.

Of course she wasn't a wimp either and she fully intended on asking him out but that involved effort, talking about feelings and other things that emotionally drained her. She was as much as a fan of romance as anyone, unless it wasn't in her favour. But it was time consuming and she'd accepted the fact that having a boyfriend meant one must actually dedicate time to dates. Personally she enjoyed just sitting by the lake with Ced. It didn't matter what they were doing, homework, talking or just sitting in silence enjoying being in each other's company. The fact he was so laidback and didn't mind seeing her with bags under her eyes, horrible hair or an even worse mood had her feel welcomed, actually loved. It gave her a break from the expectations and strictness of her own life.

Her parents were avid He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named supporters. Avena didn't understand how or why, even though she was a Detroit she didn't intent to be like her parents. Sure she didn't like Mudbloods or Bloodtraitors and went out of her way to make them feel unwelcome, unwanted, she refused to kill and inflict what Dark Lord and his followers did. Avena may have been a piece of work but she knew when to stop, she knew the difference between being a bad person and an evil person. Her parents thought she would join them yet they were not as smart nor as powerful as Avena. She fully intended to take all the money and disappear after she left Hogwarts.

She was capable of far more than doing the Dark Lord's dirty work and after all he was gone, Harry Potter had killed him.

She sighed turning the page of her Defense Against the Dark Arts Textbook. Professor Moody walked up and down desk watching the students copying notes from the book. Every years Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson was different; no teacher had ever lasted longer than a year. This year was Alastair Moody and his first lesson had been on the unforgivable curses; something that had resulted in every upset Neville Longbottom. For being one of the best ex-Aurors in the business the guy had no tact.

Even Avena felt bad for Neville, the way Moody had confronted the boy, who had lost his parents in such a brutal way. They had been tortured to a state where they had no memory; a broken version of there former selves. Avena had met them once at the Hospital when visiting her Uncle, those two were unrepairable.

"Detroit! Are you even listening to me?" Professor Moody slammed his hand onto the table, sending some of her books to the floor. She let out an annoyed snort bending over to pick them up, muttering a quick 'accio' for the ones out of reach.

"Well?" He tapped his fingers on the desk, she didn't respond being distracted by his fake eye. It swiveled around the room never focusing on something for too long.

"Well what Professor?" She replied. Moody said nothing before walking back to his desk and sitting back down. The entire class was highly confused yet weirder things had happened her and given who their teacher was, they choose to ignore it.

Avena sighed turning the page of her book so she landed on page 98, the Killing Curse. She didn't particularly enjoy reading up on something that had been responsible for so many deaths. She traced the title with her finger before picking up her pen and began writing down the points on it.

She spent quite some time writing KILLING CURSE in large cursive letters with a little skull and cross bone underneath it. "Causes instant and painless death," she mumbled pausing to wonder if anyone actually knew if it was painless... She shook her head noting that it caused a green bolt of light (drawing a small lightning bolt in the corner and wishing she had green ink). It surprised her that the victim simply 'dropped dead', meaning the cause of death was not actually none. Undoubtedly that confused lots of Muggles.

She was no longer focusing on the book now drawing random images that were related to the information she'd read. Wands, tiny explosions, anything that was remotely related. Avena couldn't draw in the slightest and the page she was working on right now looked horrible but she didn't even think it mattered.




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