Chapter 7

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All I've got to give you are these five words when I thank you for loving me
~Bon Jovi, Thank You For Loving Me, 2000

Gran always goes to church on Sunday and this Sunday she goes. I wake up just after she leaves. I head downstairs and make myself a mug of coffee. I sit down with it in the TV room so I can watch the morning news. The weather today is going to be cold and rainy. Great.

At around 7:30, I see Callahan pull into the driveway. I feel the urge to go out and talk to him. Before I do that though, I need to take a shower and get dressed in regular clothes.

I change into a pair of yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt. I braid my wet hair then pull on a pair of boots. I head outside to find Callahan.

I find him in the barn feeding the horses. "Hey." I say when I am close enough to him for him to hear me.

"Hey." He responds.

"I want to thank you for yesterday." I say. "For dealing with Blake."

"Just doing my job." He says.

"You're saying that you job is dealing with my ex boyfriend?" I ask.

"My job is to make sure you don't get hurt by some dickwad." Callahan corrects.

"I didn't know my grandma hired you to do that." I say.

"She didn't. But I make it my job to do that." He says.

"You know I can take care of myself?"

"Everyone needs protecting sometimes." He argues. "Why did you date him anyway?! He was real piece of work!"

"Because he was good for me two years ago!"

"And I wasn't good enough for you five years ago." Callahan says to himself. I storm off, not wanting to talk to him any longer. When I enter the house, Gran is there.

"I heard that argument." She remarks.

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"It's no one's fault." She says. "But Callahan is right you know?"

"How so?"

"Everyone does need protecting sometimes, even if they are an adult. Monroe, you can't fight every battle on your own. You will need people to fight for you too." Gran explains.

"I know that." I say.

"Callahan was protecting you yesterday because you needed it."

"But-" I begin but Gran interrupts me.

"No buts about it." She says. "Tonight I have invited everyone to dinner here and you and Della will help me prepare for it."

Della, Gran, and I spend the rest of the day cleaning, cooking, and baking. Della is in charge of the cleaning while I help Gran in the kitchen. For dinner we make roast chicken, roasted potatoes, salad, and rice. For dessert we make banana bread and mixed berry pie.

Before people start arriving, I change into nicer clothes. I get dressed in low cut black dress and a pair of heels. I brush my hair and let it hang loose. I put on some makeup and perfume.

Cash and Dallas arrive before Callahan and Tennessee. Gran invited a couple of her friends. She invited Patsy Briggs and Eleanor Ellis. Patsy was a nurse and Eleanor was a hairdresser. Gran, Patsy, and Eleanor have been best friends since they were all two. Cash has a private conversation with Gran about something and Dallas and I talk in the living room. "I'm thinking of asking Tennessee to be my girlfriend." He says.

"About damn time." I say.

"What do you think she will say?" He asks sounding worried.

"I think she is going to say yes!"

"You do?"

"Yeah I do. You guys are meant for each other." I say. A grin spreads across Dallas's face. He gives me a giant hug.

"Monroe, you are meant for someone too." He whispers in my ear. "I think we both know who."

"Thanks, Dallas." I say.

Patsy and Eleanor arrive next. They give me a giant hugs before going to go talk to Gran. Cash is done speaking with her and now he looks really worried. I walk over to him and touch his arm. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I've never seen you this worried."

"I'm gonna propose to Della tonight." He replies. He looks really antsy. "I'm nervous."

"Cash, she loves you. She'll say yes." I say with a smile. Seems like tonight I'm doing a lot of reassuring with these guys.

"God I hope so." He says. Della walks our way so we stop talking about him proposing.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" She asks.

"The weather." Cash lies.

"The weather?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say. "The cloudiness and the rain." I add. She gives us this look as if she doesn't believe us.

"Okay..." She says. "That's nice." I see Tennessee walk in.

"I'm going to go say hi to Tennessee." I say, leaving that conversation.

"Monroe!" Tennessee says giving me a hug. "Dallas told me about what happened yesterday. Are you okay?" She asks worriedly.

"I'm glad to be done with him but I still hurt." I say.

"I'm sorry." She says. "He sounded like a real piece of work."

"He was." I say. "How are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm good. I am not looking forward to going back to school tomorrow and teaching those brats."

"Oh how fun."

"So fun. When are heading back to Nashville?" She asks. I haven't thought about that. I already sent my boss an email saying that there was a family emergency and I won't be in for another week. For some reason I don't think I want to return to Nashville.

"I don't know." I reply.

Once Callahan arrives, we start eating dinner. Of course Callahan and I sit across from each other. We do not make eye contact the whole time which is fine by me.

Towards the end of the meal, Cash stands. Everyone gives me their full attention. "Adaline Marsden," he begins. "You are my world. My everything. You are the only girl I have ever fallen in love with and I want to be the last too. Seeing you smile everyday, hearing your laughter from across the room, just being with you makes me happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He asks.

"Yes!" Della replies. I see a smile spread across Cash's face. He slides the ring onto her finger.

"I love you, Della." He says. Della kisses him.

"I love you more." She says.

"I love you most." He says. 

Lyrics to My Life  (First Book in Life Series)Where stories live. Discover now