Chapter 11

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Bittersweet memories, that's all I'm taking with me, so goodbye, please don't cry
~Whitney Houston, I Will Always Love You, 1992

This morning was Gran's funeral. It was the hardest thing I have gone through. This afternoon Gran's will is going to be opened. Della and I wait for the lawyer to come. Once he arrives, I know that Gran is really dead. "Your grandmother divided the farm between the both of you. You each own half. She leaves each of you $10,000. She also leaves the both of you a letter. She requested that you both decide what to do with her belongings." The lawyer says. We sign some papers and then we are done.

That night I open the letter Gran wrote to me.

I know you are angry with me for not choosing to do the surgery but honey it was my time to leave. I saw the hurt in your eyes and the anger. Eventually everyone must go.
When you were in high school, I noticed one thing. The way you and Callahan loved each other without the other knowing. It was sweet. You guys are meant for each other.
The five years you were gone really broke his heart. Whenever you were mentioned, he would close himself off and not talk openly. He loves you so much, Monroe. He would move mountains for you. He protects you and gives you his all. Someday I know the both you will be married with children living happily. Just let yourself give yourself to him. Let him love and protect you.
There is one thing I know you have always wanted to know. That is who your father was. Your mother told me to tell you and Della when it was the right time. That time is now. Your father was named Samuel Norris. He was a wonderful man who died in the Middle East six months before you and Della were born. He loved your mom with everything he had, just like Callahan loves you. I told you as you were growing up that he ran off. I'm sorry for that but that was your mother's wish. His death destroyed her in so many ways.
I love you my darling Monroe. You are a wonderful, beautiful, funny, smart, young lady. Follow your heart. Where will it lead you?
Love, Gran

I cry and cry after reading this. I know deep down that Gran doesn't want me to but I cannot help it. I miss her and I want her to tell me everything will be okay and not to worry.

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