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My heart beats like a drum, a guitar string to the strum, a beautiful song to be sung, she's got blue eyes feel like the sea
~The Plain White T's, Rhythm of Love, 2010

Callahan has his hands holding my waist as we dance to the song at my sister's wedding. Cash and Della got married today, May 14th. I'm wearing a blue dress that matches my eyes. Callahan is wearing a suit and damn does he look hot in it. "I really like you in suit." I say with a giant grin. He raises his eyebrows.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! You look very very sexy." I say. He chuckles.

"What's more sexy? Me with the suit on or off?" He flirts causally.

"Hmm...." I say, pretending to think hard about this question. "You never wear suits and I see you butt naked all the time so yeah." I say. He fakes hurt.

"Looks like you aren't getting any tonight." He jokes.

"Hey! It's tradition that the maid-of-honor and the best man hook up on the wedding night." I say. "And we are very traditional people." He bursts out laughing.

"Yeah, Honey, we are the most traditional people out there. We go to Church every Sunday, we will never have sex until we are married, we follow all the rules, we are so traditional." He says.

"We have a modern look on tradition." I say.

"A very modern look on it." He says. "I have something to ask you."


"You know I love you."


"I will do anything for you."


"You are the only girl I want in this world."


"Yes. I love you, Monroe. I don't know what I do without you. Will you marry me?" He asks. He doesn't get on one knee or anything. He just whispers this in my ear.

"Give me one reason not to."

"I can't think of any."

"Then I'll marry you, Callahan." I say.

The sequel to this book is called Her In My Life.

Lyrics to My Life  (First Book in Life Series)Where stories live. Discover now