Chapter 9

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It just takes some time, Little Girl, you're in the middle of the ride, everything, everything will be just fine, everything, everything will be alright, alright.
~Jimmy Eat World, The Middle, 2001

I feel her hand stroking the side of my face. My eyes flutter open and I see her face, her beautiful face. "Monroe." I whispers. She gives me small smile.

"Callahan." She whispers back. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask.

"For being a complete asshole to you for the past couple days. How do you put up with me?"

"You? An asshole? Never!" I say with a little sarcasm. She laughs. I love her laugh. "You don't have to be sorry."

"I am though. I will never understand why you put up with me."

"Most people wouldn't understand. It's all worth it though." I say. "You are worth so much, Monroe."

"I have a question." She says.

"What?" I ask.

"A couple days you said something. It was along the lines of 'I wasn't good enough for you five years ago.' What did you mean by that?" She asks.

"You really want to know?" I ask. She nods her head in reply. I take a deep breath before answering. "Five years ago, right before you left, I asked you to meet me at the lake. I was going to ask you if you wanted to be something more than what we were. Monroe, I was in love with you. The day before we were going to meet, you suddenly moved to Nashville for that job. You didn't even tell me. I found out from Della the day after. I thought that you somehow knew what I was going to ask you and you ran." I explain. A look of shock spreads across her face.

"Callahan, I honestly had no idea." She says. "I would've said yes, you know?"

"If only I asked you sooner." I say.

"If only you did." She says. The doctor comes in.

"How are you feeling, Monroe?" He asks.

"My wrist hurts a little and where the cut is on my head feels almost bruised. Other than that I am good." She replies.

"That's good." He says. "You are lucky this young man found you when he did. But two hours after you got here, the ice storm hit us."

"There is storm?" She asks.

"Yeah. It's really hitting us hard. Normally we would discharge you this afternoon but I don't think you will be able to go anywhere for the next couple days."

The doctor leaves about five minutes later. "Did everyone else go home?" She asks.

"Yeah. No one really wanted to spend the night in the hospital and they wanted to go before the storm hit." I reply.

"Looks like it will just be you and me for a couple days." She says with a grin.

"Perfect." I say, returning the smile.

A nurse brings in a couple games for us to play. After we play them, we start asking each other questions. "Are you going to go back to Nashville?" I ask.

"I don't want to." She says. "I really have nothing there except my job. The nice thing about it is that I can work from anywhere. I think I am going to stay here." She replies. "What have you been doing these past five years?" She asks.

"I went to college and graduated a year early. I started working for your grandma about a year ago. I spent a year between college and the farm working for my dad in construction." I reply. "What is the favorite song you wrote?" I ask.

"Restless." She replies. "What did you major in?"

"I double majored in business and architecture. What is your favorite part about writing music?"

"The freedom it has. In music you can write about anything. It displays emotion and beliefs, fears and accomplishments, love and hatred." She replies. "What do you want your future to look like?"

"I want to have a wife and kids. I want to be financially stable. I want to be happy and make my family happy. What about you?"

"A husband and kids. A successful career. Happiness. Love. Freedom." She replies. "What is your biggest fear?"

"A week ago I would've said sharks. Now it is losing you. Last night was the hardest thing I've gone through. There was a point I thought I was going to lose you. You scared me shitless. When I found you, you were so cold and you were knocked out. I couldn't lose you, Monroe. You are too special for me to lose. Don't ever do that to me again." I reply. Monroe wraps her arms around my neck and presses her body against mine.

"I'm sorry I did that to you, Callahan. I promise that I won't ever do that to you again." She whispers in my ear. "Can you tell me exactly what happened?" She asks.

"I knew you were riding Max yesterday. I thought that you were going to return. I fed the other horses and then I headed inside for dinner. I looked out the living room window and saw Max running towards the house without you. Cash and I caught him. I knew something was wrong because you would never let Max run free like that and he hates thunder. Cash stayed with Della and Miss Julie while Dallas and I went into the woods to find you. It took us at least forty minutes to find you. Max helped us though. He really did save you. I sent Dallas back so he could get ready to take you to the hospital. Your skin was so cold. I got you back to the house and Dallas and I rushed you to the hospital. You know the rest." I say. "What do you remember from last night?"

"All I remember is falling off after hearing a crash of thunder. My wrist hurt so badly." She says. "Why did you stay with me?" She asks.

"I didn't want to leave you. I wanted to be here with you. I needed to make sure you were going to be okay." I say. "Can I kiss you?" I ask. Instead of answering she presses her lips to mine. Best. Kiss. Ever.

Lyrics to My Life  (First Book in Life Series)Where stories live. Discover now