Chapter 10

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Just know you aren't alone, cause I'm gonna make this place your home
~Phillip Phillips, Home, 2013


Callahan is able to drive us home to the farm on Thursday. The roads are still icy and dangerous but he drives slowly and carefully with the chains on the truck's tires. When we pull into the driveway, I see Della, Cash, and Dallas coming running out of the house. "I think they missed you." Callahan states. Dallas yanks open my door and pulls me into him.

"Thank the Lord the Messiah you are okay!" He says, giving me the biggest hug in the history of mankind. I can't help but laugh. "You scared the shit outta everyone, Monroe!" He adds. Cash yanks me out of Dallas's arms.

"I'm happy you are home." He says. Della then hugs me and doesn't let go for several seconds.

"Never do that again to us, Monroe." She says. "I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I reply.

"I also think Callahan loves you." She whispers in my ear.

"I know." I reply in a whisper.

Gran gives me a giant hug once I am inside. She also scolds me for being so reckless. I think I deserve that scolding too.

Everyone eats dinner together and Gran announces that she is dying. She tells us not to worry or be scarred even though we all are.

I have Callahan sleep with me that night. I don't want to be alone tonight. With him I feel whole. Without him I feel only half there.

I wake up at around five in the morning and I can't fall back asleep. I slip out of Callahan's arms and head downstairs to make coffee. I watch the coffee brew. Halfway through it Gran walks into the kitchen. "Morning, Gran!" I say. "How are you?" I ask.

"I don't feel so good, Monroe." She says before collapsing on the floor. I scream. Within moments Dallas is there. He has always been a light sleeper and he was sleeping in the living room which is very close to the kitchen. He calls 9-1-1 as I sit on the floor crying next to Gran. Everyone else comes downstairs.

We all take the SUV to the hospital. The drive there is silent while Cash drives. Dallas calls Tennessee to tell her what happened.

We wait in the hospital for a couple hours before we are allowed to see Gran. The doctor tells us we have days or even a week left with her.

Gran is sleeping peacefully in her bed with so many cords attached to her. She looks so frail laying there. So helpless yet peaceful.

She dies in her sleep three days later.

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