Just Go (Part 2)

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It was 5 o'clock in the afternoon and Jinhwan just woke up from a nap. He got up from his bed and took a glass of water from the kitchen. He checked his phone and saw a lot of text messages from Rose. There was one message from his mom saying that she won't be home for dinner so Jinhwan started to cook dinner for Jisoo. After cooking, Jisoo just got up with a headache and a hungry tummy.

"Oppa~ Feed me~" She said like a baby.

"Here. I already made you dinner. I'll be out with Yunhyeong and Bobby so be good here in the house."

"What are you guys up to? Can I come?"

"I'm still not sure of that yet. Just stay here and eat. You have done enough trouble for me."

"Fine!" Jisoo stuck her tongue out.

"And don't forget to wash the dishes after. DON'T BREAK ANYTHING!"

"Yaaaa! I'm not that clumsy!!!" Jisoo argued with her cute pout.

Jinhwan chuckled seeing his cute sister pout and made him forget about all the drinking trouble. He then took a bath and got ready to meet his friends. He didn't know what to expect, but it's making him uneasy.

At their usual table in their usual beer place, there was Bobby and Yunhyeong waiting for him. They already had 4 empty bottles of beer on their table.

"Jinaaaaaniiiiiiiiiiii~" Yunhyeong greeted him like a child.

"Don't use that tone. You sound like my sister ㅋㅋㅋ"

Bobby and Jinhwan laughed at the poor Yoyo. Yunhyeong was definitely the clingiest among them.

"So what's this about?" Jinhwan eagerly asked.

"Take this bottle of beer first." Bobby told him while laughing. Jinhwan did not argue and had a drink from the bottle because it makes him less nervous. Bobby added, "Oh! Before I forget, thank you for driving Jennie home."

"Don't mention it." Jinhwan said. He cleared his throat and talked to Bobby, "Rose heard about the your break up by the way. She kept on asking me to talk to you about it. Are you even serious about breaking up with Jennie, Kimbab?"

"I wanted to ask about the same thing! You guys have been together for the longest time. I couldn't look straight at her eyes after knowing about the break up." Yunhyeong said before taking another drink.

"I'm not sure if I want to talk about it. Just don't take her to clubs again." Bobby said.

"Arasso." Jinhwan replied.

Yunhyeong and Jinhwan understood and did not make him talk about it more because they know that Bobby must've a lot on his plate right now. Whatever reason he has, it must be really something big. Even when Bobby did not say it directly, Jinhwan knew that Bobby wants him to take care of Jennie.

Jinhwan noticed that Yunhyeong was trying not to make eye contact with him so he remembered, "What's it about Hanbin that you wanted to tell me?"

Bobby elbowed Yunhyeong signalling him to tell Jinhwan because he couldn't tell it himself.

"Well, umm..." Yunhyeong swallowed a lump on his throat and continued, "He called me yesterday."

Yunhyeong looked at Bobby again because he was unsure about telling this to Jinhwan. He was feeling a lot of pressure because he knew that Bobby wouldn't help him in telling Jinhwan.

"And? What did he say?" Jinhwan asked.

"He's coming back." Yoyo said without looking at Jinhwan's eyes because it was making him nervous.

Jinhwan tried to look not surprised and asked, "Really? When will he come back?"

"Next month or two. He was unsure when exactly, but he sounds excited." Yunhyeong answered.

Bobby and Yunhyeong looked at Jinhwan intensely while waiting for his reaction.

"Guys, relax! It's okay. That was a long time ago. I'm sure that Hanbin is going to be okay with it. We should plan a 'welcome back' party for him." Jinhwan suggested.

"Yes, sure." Bobby said.

"That was what I was thinking too!" Yunhyeong said awkwardly. He asked for three more bottles from the bartender.

Bobby and Yunhyeong just looked at each other as they both took a drink from their bottles.

"Why are you two looking at each other like that? There's really nothing to worry about." Jinhwan said.

Bobby finally asked him what he really wanted to ask,

"Would you tell Rose about this?"


AN: Sorry if it's super short!!!!! Tell me what you think! I'll come back with an update tomorrow. Please comment and share!

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