My Type (Part 5)

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It was a busy week for Yunhyeong since the preparations for the General Assembly is firing up. He could only meet Jisoo when he sometimes bumps into her around the campus. There are times that Jisoo would take a peek of him while he's in class because she is starting to miss him. He would always look really serious in class and he was very participative in recitations. She brings Lisa sometimes, but there are times that Lisa is busy studying with Donghyuk at the Library.

One day, when she was peeking by the window of Yoyo's classroom, June saw her.

"Are you his girlfriend or are you a stalker? You girls are really scary." He said.

"Yaaaa! Don't judge me. I just wanted to see him!"

"Do you not see him often?"

"Well, he's been busy with a lot of things and there are also haters so I need to be careful." She joked.

"Oh right. I heard from Donghyuk and Lisa. Have you told him about it?"

"No. No! That's completely unnecessary!" She said while swinging her face from left to right.

She completely forgot about the time and the class was already dismissed. She tried to run and dragged June with her, but Yunhyeong saw her.

"(ᗒᗨᗕ) My Kimchiiiiiiii~" Yunhyeong called for her.

"Kimchi??" June cringed from all the mushiness.

"It's his favourite. He said that he will call me Kimchi because it completes his everyday life." Jisoo explained like she was floating with imaginary hearts and field of rainbows around her.

"(。♥‿♥。) Wasabiiiiiiiii~" she said while running to hug Yunhyeong.

June couldn't take any more of the lovey dovey atmosphere so he just left without creating a sound just like a ninja. After the love birds' small talk, Yunhyeong had to go because he needs to go to his next class. He made her promise to go and watch him at the General Assembly on Friday and she agreed to it.

When she was walking to her class, she could feel a lot of glaring from girls and they were like knives stabbing her back. She kept telling herself not to mind them, but it made her a little bit sad because Lisa and Donghyuk were not with her to take her mind off of it.

✿ ✿ ✿

At the General Assembly, all the students gathered and all were lined up and seated according to their year level. Jisoo took a seat with Lisa, June, and Chanwoo. They couldn't find Donghyuk, but they figured that he might just went to the CR. Jisoo was nervous for Yunhyeong, but she knows that he would do well.

The presentation started and the plan of actions was well stated well and organized. Yunhyeong looked confident and professional when he speaks. He could answer every question from the students well and concise. Students applauded after the presentation because they all thought that it was better than the last year's council's. Jisoo was really proud of him and she was cheering really loud.

Yunhyeong saw Jisoo clapping her hands even he's up the stage. He saw how happy she was, but it made him sad because Donghyuk told him about the incident with the mean girls. He thought that it must be hard for her to stay happy. He decided to get up to the mic once again.

"Hello, everyone! It's me again. As you all know, I'm Song Yunhyeong and I'm a 4th year student." A lot of his fan girls cheered and screamed. He continued talking, "I know that a lot of you think that the two projects last semester were cancelled because I was distracted by a freshman and blamed her for it..."

Everyone became quiet, but they could hear some students whispering. A lot of freshman students started to look at Jisoo with their judgemental eyes.

"...but a lot of you also didn't know that I have been in a relationship with her for more than 3 years. It's not true that she's distracting me from my duties and responsibilities as the Student Council President. She has been supporting me even before I got elected and if there's anything that you have to blame her for is the fact that I have become more determined to do better every day because she always pushes me to go beyond my limits."

He looked and pointed where Jisoo is sitting, "My Kimchiiiii~ Saranghae~ ♥♥"

All of the students were surprised to see this new side of the President. His fan girls were silent at first, but they supported him and cheered for him again. Jinhwan was looking at him from where he was seated and he knew that he trusted her sister to the right man. Bobby, Jennie, and Rose were there too. Jennie and Rose were melting, while Bobby was just laughing because of how stupid Yoyo looked while saying Kimchi.

Lisa and Chanwoo were smiling and teasing Jisoo, while June was left cringing from everything he just witnessed.

After a couple of minutes, the students left the big hall. Lisa and Chanwoo continued to tease Jisoo. Jisoo couldn't help, but blush and giggle. Yunhyeong went down from the stage and started walking towards them.

"Let's go now before I see them puke rainbows again." June pushed Lisa and Chanwoo out of the hall.

Yunhyeong and Jisoo were left.

"You didn't have to do that." Jisoo said.

"I know, but I did." He smiled at her. It was the smile that always melts her heart. He suddenly pouted, "Also, I heard some boys from our class who were talking about how beautiful you are so I had to end their fantas– "

She hugged him cutting his sentence and said, "I love you, Wasabiiiiiii~ ♥♥"


AN: This is dedicated to the Wasabi of my life ƪ(♥ﻬ♥)ʃ

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