Break Time (Part 6)

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It was 6 in the morning and it was time for them to go, but Hanbin and Rose haven't returned to the house yet. Everyone was fixing their things and loading the car with all their stuff. They were all silent because they all don't know how to comfort Jinhwan. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing when they saw Hanbin and Rose coming back. Jinhwan felt pain and discomfort seeing them together.

Rose was approaching him and he didn't know what to do or what to say. Rose noticed how messed up Jinhwan's eyes were. She placed her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

Everyone could not believe what was happening before them. It was like they were seeing a movie or a TV drama.

Jinhwan broke the kiss, "Wh – why? But... Hanbin?" He looked at Hanbin and he was just smiling at him.

"You pabo!" Rose said. Jinhwan was just confused.

****Flashback to last night****

Rose walked where Hanbin went. She wanted to find him so bad. After searching for minutes, she saw him up at a tree branch. She kind of laughed because she remembered how Hanbin loves climbing trees even when they were little. She climbed up the tree as well and when Hanbin saw him, he gave her a hand and pulled her up. They sat together.

"Hanbin, I'm really sorry." Rose said. "It must have been hard for you to leave knowing that your best friend kissed your girlfriend. Also, It must have taken a while before you accepted it and now, you have to learn that it was a lie."

"Rose, why did you have to do that?"

"I just thought it was the right thing to do because I know you wouldn't have accepted the scholarship abroad and live with your father because of me." She explained.

Hanbin didn't say a word for a moment, but after collecting his thoughts, he said, "When I was coming back in Korea, you're the only thing that's on my mind. I don't know what I would feel or do when I see you. I learned from Yoyo that you were together now, I felt hurt and it was the same feeling I felt when I left Korea."

"I'm really sorry, Hanbin." She said.

"You know what? When Jinhwan and I talked at my welcoming party, my mind was just screaming 'you fucking traitor'!" Hanbin said.

Hanbin and Rose laughed together.

"You know when I first learned from Jinhwan that you're coming back, I was really really nervous to be honest. I also feel uneasy whenever you're around. Jinhwan seemed to notice it too so he assumed that I still have feelings for you. I was asking myself over and over again why I am feeling that way."


"...and it was only today when I saw you on this tree that I fully understood why. It was because I know that you deserve to know the truth. I knew that I was feeling uneasy because I really feel guilty for what I did. Lastly, it's because I wanted your forgiveness."

Hanbin sighed and was disappointed with her answer. Rose did not understand why his face showed that expression.

"I was hoping a bit that you'd say that you still have feelings for me." Hanbin chuckled. Rose just pushed his shoulders playfully.

"I never really accepted it though" He said.

Rose was puzzled and asked, "Accepted what?"

"Just a moment ago you said that it might have taken a lot of time for me to accept it while I'm in America." He paused. He let out a short laugh and continued, "I never did. A part of me will always be hurting, but being with you guys and knowing how much you love him, makes me think that it was all really for the best." Hanbin explained.

"I really really do love him." Rose said while looking in his eyes. It is still and will always be Hanbin's favourite thing in the world.

Hanbin replied, "I know".

He kissed her forehead.

He was ready to accept that she was just not his anymore and those eyes would never look at him the way they used to be. They smiled at each other. She placed her head on his shoulders just like she always do when they were younger, but this time it was just as friends. They watched the sun rise together.

"He better take care of you."

"Don't worry, he always do. We better go back. He probably thinks that we got back together. That pabo!"

Hanbin just laughed because he knows that she was right since Jinhwan is always the clueless monkey. He then went down from the tree and helped rose to get down. They walked together and when they could almost see the others, Rose' eyes were stuck to where Jinhwan stands.

"Rose, one last thing..."

Rose turned her eyes to Hanbin.

"I forgive you."

****End of Flashback****

"You told me last night to be true to myself, be selfish and get what I really want, remember?"

These words from Rose made him feel like his blood was rushing to his brain. She kissed him again deeply and he could taste her tears because she started to cry. She then let go of the kiss and said "This is what I really want."

The wind blew and it was cold, but Jinhwan didn't feel any of it. He kissed her again. He felt like everything he ever wanted was happening. Jisoo was really happy to see her brother get the love that he deserves because she knows that her brother gives too much and love deeply.

"Ya! I told you when we are at the party to never to leave or hurt her. When will you ever listen? Pabo!" Hanbin said and smacked Jinhwan's head.

Moved by everything that happened before them, Yunhyeong led everyone into a group hug. Bobby protested because he hates being clingy and mushy but, Yunhyeong, Jennie and the younger ones pulled him in.

It was indeed a trip to remember for all of them.

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