Today (Part 6)

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It was Saturday and Lisa didn't see Chanwoo on the Café shop so after her shift, she went directly to Chanwoo's place. She thought it would be a great idea because it has been a long time since she visited Chanwoo. When she got there, Bobby was the one who welcomed her at the door.

"He's in his room. He caught flu."

It got her really worried so she immediately went upstairs. He told her not to sit so close to him because he's afraid that she might get flu too, but she didn't mind. They just lie in bed and talk like the old times. It was a long time since they bonded like this.He told her how happy he is because Bobby is finally showing some affection for him.

"He even brought me to one of his dates with Jennie! The restaurant was really nice! I should've brought you with me!"

Lisa was really happy to hear that from Chanwoo because she knew how much he works hard to get closer to Bobby.

"What about you? What are you up to? The only time I get to talk to you is when we have the same shift at work."

It made Lisa's heart skipped a beat because she didn't think that he would notice.

"Well, I've been spending a lot of time with Dongdong in the Library and when we have free periods, I go with Donghyuk and June at the arcades because June is still not over me beating him in Tekken during vacation. He still hasn't won over me though. That pabo!" Lisa chuckled.

Chanwoo saw the look on her face while she's telling him about June and it made him feel something he never felt before.

He said, "Looks like you spend a lot of time with them now."

Lisa's POV: 'Is he jealous? No Lisa, shut up! That's impossible'

"Pabo Chocoball! It's because I have more classes with them and we only have 1 class together just like the previous semester" she explained. Chanwoo just laughed at her because he was only teasing her.

"Lisa..." He swallowed a lump on his throat and continued, "...stay with me please"

It made her feel glitters from head to toe. She tried to get rid of the feeling by talking to him and changing the topic. They talked about how she is getting closer to Jisoo, Jennie and Rose which is very unusual for her. After many things that they talked about, Chanwoo noticed that Lisa always mentions June. For example, he told her about eating rice cakes this morning and she would say how messy June eats rice cakes. Chanwoo didn't understand why, but he was irritated every time he hears his name.

It was getting late so she told him to get some rest so he would feel better before Monday since she doesn't want him to miss class. They slept together in his bed like how they always do.

When he woke up, the first thing he saw was Lisa. A ray of sun is touching her face and he couldn't stop thinking how beautiful she was. He always knew she was pretty, but he certainly felt different today. He tried shaking the butterflies away by trying to wake her up. Lisa moved a little, but she told him to give her 5 more minutes of sleep.

For the whole 5 minutes, Chanwoo stared at her face while lying beside her in his bed. He never noticed how long her eyelashes were. Her cheeks were rosy and her lips looked soft. It made his heart go triple speed. He moved closer to Lisa. Closed his eyes and kissed her.

Lisa's eyes grew big and she felt like all of her sleepiness vanished in an instant.

"Yaaaa! What are you doing?" She was really surprised so she sat up.

"I don't know. It just feels like I had to."

Those words from Chanwoo made her stiff. It's something that she never imagined that would happen in real life. He pulled her so she was on top of him. Lisa could feel like her heart could just jump out of her chest. He slowly reached for her face and kissed her again. He could feel how moist Lisa's lips were. The kiss was slow and passionate and it was something she never experienced before. He felt like he never wanted to stop kissing her and that he grew possessive of her, but they had to stop when they heard a knock on the door. Lisa stood up immediately and got the door. It was Bobby.

"Lisa! Great you're up! Give him this please." Bobby said.

Lisa took the medicine and glass of water from Bobby and made Chanwoo drink his medicine. She sat on the side of his bed. She thought that she might be dreaming, but her lips tell her otherwise because it still feels hot from the kiss. The feeling when he pulled and kissed her still lingers on her mind.

"What are you thinking?" Chanwoo asked.

Lisa could not say a word.

"Lisa, I think I don't want to be just your friend anymore."

She was thinking about the times that she got upset about Chanwoo and Jennie. She had always been dreaming for this day and now that it was really happening, she didn't know what to feel.

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