Wait for Me (Part 5)

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After a week, the funeral for his dad was held. Not many people came. It was just their close relatives and their closest friends. They were all wearing black and it was a rainy afternoon. Chanwoo cried a lot and during the burial ceremony. Bobby asked Jinhwan to drive the younger ones home because he knows Chanwoo haven't had a decent sleep ever since their dad passed away. Bobby stayed and waited for all their relatives to leave.

Jinhwan, Rose, and the younger ones got inside the car. Lisa didn't leave Chanwoo's side. She understood how lonely Chanwoo felt. Eventually, Chanwoo fell asleep at Lisa's shoulder.

"I hate funerals. Everything is just sad." Donghyuk whispered because he might wake up Chanwoo.

"Of course it's sad. Someone just died, you pabo!" June was annoyed.

"Promise me that when you come to my funeral someday, hire a DJ or something. I want my funeral to be a happy thing where my friends and family are not crying and just remembering how awesome I am."

June, Lisa, and Jisoo laughed. Jinhwan who was driving also chuckled. Rose was quick to hush them all because she wanted Chanwoo to have all the rest that he could get. Donghyuk apologized and made peace signs with his hands.

When they arrived at Chanwoo's crib, Lisa woke him up. Jinhwan Rose, and Jisoo left, while the others stayed with Chanwoo because they don't want him to be alone. Chanwoo fell sound asleep as soon as he got to his bed.

✿ ✿ ✿

Meanwhile at the cemetery, all the other relatives went home and sent their condolences to Bobby.

"Sorry, man. I couldn't stay longer. My mom is alone in our house." Hanbin said to Bobby.

"I have to go too. You sure you don't want to go home yet?" Yunhyeong said.

"That's okay. I'll just stay here for few more minutes. You two go ahead!" Bobby replied.

Soon after, Bobby and Jennie were the only ones left. Jennie knew that she had to stay by his side. She held his hand. Bobby started telling her what his father said to him the night he passed away.

"He also gave me this." Bobby showed Jennie the notebook which turned out to be his mother's diary. It was small, but it's really thick and old looking. Jennie scanned the diary and read the 1st entry.

December 21

He's finally here! 9 months of this baby kicking endlessly on my belly and now he's here. I couldn't help but get nervous because I am now officially a mother. 

'Where do I start?' 'How can I be a good mother?'

These were just some of my worries, but when I saw his face, touched his little hands and saw his cute little eyes, it felt like I was holding the whole world. I could not wait and spend the rest of my life with him and give him great memories like what I had with my mother.

Bobby chuckled because he thought that he might have given his mom a hard time when she's pregnant with him. Jenny continued scanning the diary and read the last entry which was 9 years after the first.

September 9

Dear God, please take away the pain. My body hurts more today and my sight is getting blurry each day. I don't want my sons to see me suffering so please don't take me away. I ask for strength and courage, Lord. I know Bobby wants to talk to me every single day, but I don't think I could talk to him anymore. I couldn't look at him when I know I would make him really sad if I die. I want to remember him as the happy and smiling baby that I held in my arms..."

Jennie stopped reading because if she continues, she knows that it would make her cry. It was the last thing she wanted to do because she knows that she needs to be strong for Bobby. Jennie hugged Bobby tightly. Her shoulder was getting wet from Bobby's tears. Bobby finally understood why his mom was avoiding him that time.

✿ ✿ ✿

Hours later at Chanwoo's house, Chanwoo woke up with his rumbling tummy. He remembered that he hasn't ate anything since morning so he went to the kitchen to fetch some food. There he saw Lisa, Donghyuk and June having fun and laughing. Lisa noticed him especially his eyes which are all red because of crying.

"Chanu, you're up! We're preparing dinner. You must be really hungry." She said.

Donghyuk invited him to join them, "Come! Help June in slicing the vegetables. This pabo is really bad at it."


June held the knife like some kind of psycho killer.

Chanwoo laughed and helped June. He was really happy. He appreciated that he has friends that he could rely on and cheer him up whenever he needs it.

The Album (iKON x BLACKPINK Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora