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*Maya's POV*

"You'll probably have 5 husbands..."

"Is one of them Lucas?"

"Nope. Sorry, but..."

Do you know how much that hurts me? Do you know how much he means to me?


"No, its okay. Maya can take care of herself."

Do you know how much I'm hurting? Do you even care?


Finally, the final bell rang of another migraine of a school day.

I walked quickly out the door before the flood of students came.

Even before Riley.

Maya, your used to this. Why are you acting so weak all of a sudden?

I sighed as I closed my eyes and put my hands in my head.

Things were said today that were hurtful, just like always.

But I was getting a bit tired of it.

You know they don't mean to hurt you. They just don't know.

I sat down on the cold seat of the subway.

They don't. And its going to stay that way.

Atleast until..

The subway haulted to a stop, and I broke from my train of thought.

I smiled at the lady opening the subway door, and I walked out onto the cold streets of NYC.

I looked at all the passing tall buildings carefully, before entering my ratty old street.

I opened the door and shut it, leaning down against the warm oak.

I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Mom wasn't home, as usual.

But it was a good thing.

I walked down the hall to my room, then closed the door and locked it.

I threw my bag on the floor and sat on my bed.

I laid there silently for a minute.

"Its that time again."

I headed to the bathroom, right as my phone chimed.

I sighed and walked over too it.

I picked it up.

3 messages.

I read the first contact.

Farkle: Hey, Lady.

Behind The Smile (Lucaya)Where stories live. Discover now