Maya's Hope (17)

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*Sabrina is literally the prettiest girl on Disney like wtf*

*Mayas POV*

Lucas and I are together.

I sat on my bed, smiling.

But this time, for real.

We're actually together.

Its actually official.

I couldn't believe it.

Well, that changes everything.

I eyed the scissors, razors, and knifes on my drawer.

They made me feel sick.

How come I feel, different.

Almost, happy.

I don't want to hurt myself anymore.

I couldn't believe myself.

Hurting had become part of me.

As if, it felt like I couldn't go on without it.

But I felt different.

I don't want pain.

I really just, want to be happy.

And I had hope for the future.

Hope that it would happen.

It was as if time froze, and everything started to sink back in.

Happiness, excitement, everything. It all came back.

I couldn't believe it.

I had been lost for so long, it was almost weird to be found.

I smiled.

But I like it.


But changes are coming...

Behind The Smile (Lucaya)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن