Lashing Out (11)

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*Mayas POV*

I was walking through the door at school.

As usual, Farkle, Lucas, and Zay were all there.

But no Riley.

"Hey, where's Riles?" I asked them.

"She's running late, I guess." Lucas said, smiling at me.

"Did you hear?" Zay asked me quietly.

"Why else do you think I'm looking for her?" I told him.


"The school bells not going to ring for another 10 minutes, so we can wait for her." Farkle shrugged.

Suddenly, Zay pulled Lucas into the boys bathroom.

Leaving just me and Farkle to banter.

*Lucas POV*

"Zay, what is it?" I asked him eagerly.

"So you ended it? Now go after Maya."

"Not yet."

"Why not? The poor girls been waiting long enough."

He was right.


I was going too tell him about what I saw, but I decided not too.

"Just trust me, okay?" I asked him.

"Okay...." Zay said, sounding unsure.

We then walked back out.

Maya was pulling on Farkle's shirt, clearly bantering with him.

I smiled.

Just then, Riley walked through the door.

We all turned to her.

She wasn't smiling.

I sighed.

"Hey, Riles." Maya greeted, walking up to her.

But Riley just walked past.

We all gave a confused look.

"Hey, Riley!" Maya called, walking back to her.

But suddenly, Riley turned around.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed in Mayas face.

Then, she did something we all were surprised by.

She then pushed Maya to the ground, and stormed away.

We could see Mr. Matthews suprised face from behind the classroom door.

As Riley walked in, he closed the door after her.

I ran to Maya.

She groaned as I helped her up.

"Why would she do that?" She asked, staring with hurt eyes towards the classroom.

She turned to me with a serious face.

"Lucas, why would she do that?" She asked again.

Farkle and Zay stood from behind, gaping at both of us.

"I-im not sure."

"Does this have anything to do with...?"

"I don't think so."

"Well, why would she take this out on me?"

I didn't answer in time.

"Maybe she thinks that Lucas likes you." Zay suggested with a smirk, coming up from behind me.

I lightly punched him.

Maya's eyes widened.

"That's not true though, right?"

I didn't know how to answer.


But just then, the bell rang.

We all departed to different classrooms.

(Yes, they have different classes in this story for dramatic effect XD)

Saved by the bell. I thought.

But then, I knew I wold have tell her sooner then later.

*Riley's POV*

I sat in my Dads classroom, staring up at him.

"Honey, what was that?" He asked.

I sighed.

"I-i...Lucas broke up with me..."

He raised an eyebrow.

"What does that have to do wi-"

"He broke up with me because he likes...Maya." I said sternly.

"Oh, honey...this is more of a Topanga moment...oh well..."

I sighed once again.

"Well, sweetheart, that's not Maya's fault."

"Yes it is! She's alive, so-"

My eyes widened.

"Oh my god, what am I saying...?"

"Riley, that's not fair. Are you really going to let one thing you can't control, get in the way of the greatest friendship ever?"

I felt tears prick my eyes.

"Dad, what have I done?" I whispered, standing up.

"Mayas a very forgiving person, and she's also your best friend. I guarantee you can fix this."

I hugged him for what seemed like forever.

"B-but Dad...what if I'm still mad?" I asked.

"Riley, instead of being mad, be happy for Maya. And their are plenty of other guys besides Lucas for you."

I smiled.

"Thank you, Dad."

"Your welcome. I'd say I handled that even better then Topanga!" He said proudly.

I smirked.

"Okay Dad..." I said before walking out the door.

I had a friendship to fix.


Behind The Smile (Lucaya)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang