Forgiveness does come easy (12)

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*Mayas POV*

I couldn't help but think about what Zay had said.

And yet, Lucas never got to respond.

But most of my mind was on Riley.

Even if, Lucas does like me...

Ha ha, as if...

Why would she let him come between us?

As much as I loved Lucas, Riley was the most important person in the world too me.

And if I had to give him up for her, i would.

I've done it before, I can do it again.

-TIME SKIP 3 pm-

*Riley now*

I had invited Maya over.

My Dad was right, I needed to be happy for her.

I sat on my bed, waiting in suspense.

But after about 10 minutes, sure enough, a beautiful blonde popped through my window.

I stood up.

She walked up too me, staring.



I suddenly hugged her.

"Maya, I'm so sorry! I was just so angry about the whole Lucas thing, I took it out on you, and then I talked with my Dad, and i realized how horrible I was being, and, I just-"


She suddenly cut me off from my rant.

"Its okay."

I smiled as we pulled apart.

"Anger happens. And sometimes it gets the best of us. But all that matters, is that in the end, everything is okay again." She said, smiling calmly.

"Is it, okay again?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course it is." She said.

I smiled.

"I'm glad."

We then just watched TV, laughed about Farkle, and did what best friends do.

"Hey, um, Riles...?" She asked, in the middle of H20.


"What made you take it out on me? Why was I involved...?"

I tensed up a little.

"Um, I don't know if I should tell you yet..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you like Lucas?" I suddenly blurted.

She froze.

After about 10 seconds, she coughed.

"No." She said.

"That doesn't seem like a valid answer..."

She looked away.

"I would never, ever do that too you, Riley." She said.

"It wouldnt affect me at all. I don't feel that way about him anymore. And if you did, I'd want you too be happy."

She didn't answer for a while.

"Still. He's your ex. Best friends don't date each others exes."

"But Maya." I looked at her questioningly.

"That's the end of it."

She then looked back to me, smiling.


We then went back to watching the show, but for some reason...

I just didn't believe her.

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