Weekend Blues (4)

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*Mayas POV*

I woke up to the sound of my Mom getting ready to leave.

I quickly got up, wanting to see her before she left.

"Mom!" I called, racing out my door.

"Oh, hi Baby girl!" She turned and hugged me.

"Are you going to the Diner?" I asked, hoping she'd say no.

"Yes, I'm sorry sweetie. I need this extra shift if we are gonna get some grocery's." She said, smiling.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I said, wincing unhappily.

She smiled and kissed my head before closing the door behind her.

A few seconds later, I was all alone again, alone with my thoughts.

I was torn between if that was a bad thing, or a good thing.

I guess it depended on the thoughts.

Bad then.

I smiled annoyingly at how pathetic I was.

I headed to my room.

Its best if I check my texts, before deciding if I should or not...

Hmm, four texts.

Farkle: Wanna come over? Riley and Lucas are joining.

I guess I have too.

Maya: Sure.

Farkle: See you in 30 mins then. ;)

I sighed, wondering what we would even do at Farkle's.

I laughed, remembering it was Farkle.

I went to the other contacts.

Riley: You going to Farkles?

Riley: Oh wait. Yes you are...

I shrugged it off.

Huckleberry: Hey,Maya!

Huckleberry: You alive?

I gave a confused chuckle.

Maya: What do you think?

Lucas: And she speaks!

I let a small laugh escape my lips.

I sat down on my bed.

Maya, you have to leave in 10 minutes, get up!

But I couldn't move.

Its like i wanted to just stay here, and go back to sleep.


But I pushed myself.

Looks like I have some weekend blues.

I laughed at the memory of me and Riley singing that to her parents.

I wish it was like that all the time.

I put my concealer on the scars, then slipped into a white tank top, some jean shorts, and a pink pastel sweatshirt.

Then I set out on my way.

*Riley's POV*

I got up happily after texting my friends, then headed to my closet.

I thought about yesterday, and how Lucas possibly liked Maya.

Maybe if I amp up my game, he may fancy me even more.

I looked in the very back of my closet, and struck gold.

I put on a black tank top, a yellow leather jacket, and some short shorts.

I then out on some winged eyeliner, and dark lipstick.

I smiled.

I look just like Maya!

I slipped on some combat boots and headed out the door.

But Riley, was nothing like Maya.


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