3. Run and do not stop!

55 3 1

''LET ME GO!'' Lily screamed as the new ''A'' undressed her down the her underwear and Bra

A pulled out a zapping stick and stabbed it into lily's arm, ''AHHH'' Lily screamed then fainted

''A'' walked out of the black room and slammed the door shut!



I Added a theme song for this, so here it is

''God I'm running for you're heart, I'm runnin for you're heart, till I'm a soul on fire! Lord, I'm longing on you're ways! I'm waiting for the day when I'm a soul on fire! God I'm running for you're heart, I'm runnin for your heart, I wanna be until I'm a soul on fire, till I'm a soul on firreee!!''


''What the hell happened, you said nothing would happen to her!'' Jake yelled over the phone

''I'm sorry!'' Brynn cried

''I'm coming home!'' Jake yelled

''Okay, Maybe that's for the bes-'' Brynn said but got cut off.

Jake hung up

''Everything okay, Poppy?'' Margie asked

''Yes, but you're gonna stay with my aunt Lin'' Jake said

''Okie Poppy'' Margie smiled

Back In town

''Brynn, have you seen Brynn?'' Jake asked

''Nice to see you too'' A woman said

''Oh my god'' Jake said as the girl turned


''Oh my god, Cassidy is that really you?'' Jake asked

''Its me, in the flesh'' Cassidy said

''Oh my god, get over here'' Jake said Cassidy running to hug him

''Why do you seem mad?'' Cassie asked

''Lily is missing, and A is back'' Jake said

''A? aaron died!'' Cassie said

''Yea, there is a new one, and I will understand if you don't wanna help save Lily. All we went through as kids, I understand if you say No!'' Jake said

''No'' Cassidy said ''I'm helping''

Jake smiled and Cassidy hugged him one more time


Coffee palas


''What happened to evan?'' Jake asked

''We kinda broke up, 4 years ago'' Cassidy said

''I haven't seen you in 8 years, what happened''

''He found another girl, who was skinny'' Cassidy said

Just then a blonde figure entered the coffee shop

''Avoiding us?'' Jake asked

''No'' Brynn said

''Why wont you answer my calls?'' Jake snapped

''Because I'm taking protection'' Brynn said

''From what?'' Cassidy asked

''Jake'' Brynn admitted

''What do you mean, you're not seriously afraid of Jake are you?'' Cassidy asked

''Yea, and I'm afraid what he will do'' Brynn said

''You dated for 5 years, you know him, He changed. He was never mean to you, common, he is such a good person, you cant seriously be afraid'' Cassidt said

''You and I both know from the past, that he does go off the top when he is mad, and now lily is missing, I'm his first hit list'' Brynn snapped

''Don't get so dramatic'' Jake said

''Dramatic? how about defensive'' Brynn said

''K, the real thing is, we have 24 hours to find Lily, if we don't find my wife, then you better run, cause then that's why I will do something'' Jake snapped

''Jake'' Cassidy said putting her hand on his shoulder.

''Cassidy, a word?'' Brynn asked


The two walked into the room next to them

''Do you still like Jake, like as a boyfriend?'' Brynn asked

Cassidy looked at Brynn, then Jake, then a picture of Lily, then back to Brynn, then to Jake again

''I do'' Cassidy said


''RUN BITCH, RUN!'' A yelled

''LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE!'' Lily screamed running and falling into a black hole

''OOFFFFOF'' The sound of her falling made, she was falling Dizzy, then fake blood fell onto her

''HELP ME PLEASE, SOMEONE PLEASE'' Lily screamed in horror

A jumped down and dragged her up.

''No OWWW, PLEASE STOP HELP OW YOU'RE HURTING ME, PLEASE HELPPP!'' Lily screamed getting thrown into a room, A took a photo then locked the door

''NOOOO'' Lily screamed, then she fell silent.

BLOCKED ID TO GROUP: ''Look at lily, this will be her, but real blood, and helpleslly dead in 22 hours, times falling, clocks ticking, Tick tock bitches! Hurry before she died.... -A''


Poor Lily, hopefully she lives, and they find her within the 22 hours left.

Welcome to my best friend Cassidy! and this season/book will get so much darker

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