13. leave my friend alone!

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''LILY STOP!'' Jake yelled grabbing at the steering wheel

''STOP!'' Lily yelled


Lily grabbed a rock and smashed Jake in the forehead then pushed his head into the window knocking him out. She pulled out her phone and texted A

''Where is Brynn?'' Lily typed to the new ''A''

''Do you have Margret?'' A texted back

''Yea'' Lily typed looking back at the kid.

''Where's Jake?'' A texted, Lily looked over and saw the blood on his head from where she smashed his head into the window.

''Unconscious'' Lily typed

''Meet me 9:00'' A texted

It was 8:25 rn

In A's doghouse where Brynn was

Brynn's POV

''I'm strong, I'm gonna make it out'' I say

I look up to the sky as if God was watching ''Are you punishing me? what have I done!'' I cry then see words for in the sand, ''No'' the words make out.

I grab into my pocket to see a photo of Margie, then I finally decide its time to let her go.... She wasn't even my daughter, ''I adopted you, and I'm sorry'' I cry tearing up the photo


''I don't wanna adopt, I want my own!'' Brynn cried into Eric's shoulder

''Brynn, you're insides are in a not, you cant have kids, Lets just adopt them'' Eric said

''They're only tied up bc my first kid died in my stomach bc of the car crash!'' Brynn cried

Eric pulled Brynn into the hospital room to where all the baby's were sleeping

''What ones?'' Mrs. Skinner asked

''Her,'' Eric pointed to a 3 year old.

''And her'' Brynn said picking up a new born. ''Ill call you Margie, an that can be Amber''


I lyed on the bed, and began to sing a song to myself, ''Oh, oh, oh, God is with me wherever I go, and oh, oh, oh, God will save me wherever I go'' I sing then hear the door open

''Time to go'' Thomas said picking me up.

''Why!'' I ask scared

''Were swapping you for Margie'' Thomas said

''Where's the others?'' I ask

''They aren't coming, now move it!'' Thomas snaps



''Finally I'm here'' Lily said picking Margie up and walking to Thomas

''Where's Brynn!'' Lily asked

''In the back!'' Thomas said

''K well get her!'' Lily said

Jake started to wake up.

Thomas returned to a drugged sleeping Brynn

''Hand her over'' Thomas said

Jake noticed the guy ''Thomas'' he whispered

Thomas pushed Brynn into the ground ''Margie!'' Thomas yelled

Jake slowly approached Brynn's side.

''What are you doing here?'' Jake asked

''I'm working for A'' Thomas smiled

''Why! you don't have to do this'' Jake said

''Yes I do, you didn't care for me, and neither did you're wife.'' Thomas said

''We tried!'' Lily snapped

''U kicked me out'' Thomas cried

''You got high all the time!'' Jake yelled

''You're sick Thom, let us help you'' Lily said

''No! give me the kid!'' Thomas said

''No! come with us'' Jake asked again

''GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER!'' Thomas yelled going at Lily

Jake put his fist to Thomas' face knocking him into his car. ''Don't touch my wife, or Margie'' Jake said

''Lets go Jake'' Thomas said

''I'm not going to fight you'' Jake said


''I was weak then, I'm different now'' Jake said

''Lets go, winner gets Lily, loser gets to go to the mental inn'' Thomas said

''Deal'' Jake said shaking Thomas' hand

''Jake, No!'' Lily cried


''Come on'' Thomas said punching Jake into the face

''Is that all you got?'' Jake asked spitting blood out, including a tooth.

Jake pulled himself off the ground and started to punch Thomas in the face, and stomach

''STOP!'' Lily cried

''Stop, Jake! you win'' Thomas said

''No'' Jake yelled kicking Thomas in the face knocking outa few teeth.

''STOP IT JAKE!'' Thomas cried

Jake finally grabbed Thomas by the hear and ran him into the car window, as it smashed shattering glass into thomas' face, and hair

''JAKE!'' Brynn yelled waking up

''Brynn don't move'' Lily said

Thomas was bleeding, Jake pulled him out and threw his body onto the windshield. Thomas kicked Jake off and ran over to Brynn and stabbed her in the arm, blood flowing fast

''LILY!'' Brynn cried as lily wrapped her coat around Brynn's arm to stop it from bleeding

Jake grabbed Thomas once again and threw him clean through the windshield, Glass covering his body, He pulled him out and pushed him to the ground, ''THIS ENDS NOW!'' Jake yells

''JAKE NO!'' Lily yells as Jake stabs glass into Thomas' heart and neck

Thomas spits blood out, ''I, I am sorry'' Thomas said closing his eyes. Jake dragged his body to the car, and drove into the water. He returned to Lily and Brynn. Margie was dead... Lily and Brynn were in the car, and Jake drove off

''You're save now'' Jake said rubbing Brynn's hand

Jake looked back and saw Lily cry and shaking

''LOOK OUT!'' Brynn screamed as Jake bounced forward. ''Oh my god!'' ''AHHHHHHHH''


It was all black, then sirens went off.

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