19. Who killed Kathrine?

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Jake and Lily got to Lily's house. ''You okay?'' Jake asked

''No, my sister was just murdered'' Lily snapped.

''What have you done the past 5 years? I haven't seen you in 4!'' Jake said

''I have been better, I go to counsiling, I teach, and I visited Kathrine, but she's dead!'' Lily said exploding with anger and kicking her lamp on the ground!


Jake grabbed Lily and sat her on the couch and stuck a calm needle into her arm. ''Ah'' Lily gasped then fell asleep. ''You're okay!'' Jake said carrying her to her Bed.

Jake kissed her lips, and shut the door.

A few hour's later.

''Brynn, we need to meet, Brew?'' Jake asked

''How bout we meet at Paula's cupcake palas?'' Brynn asked

''Sure. See you soon'' Jake said clicking the phone off.

Jake heard a squeak, and saw Kathrine. ''You're not real'' Jake said

''Lily's in danger, don't leave her!'' Ghost Kathrine said.

Jake pushed a book at the ground making ''Ghost Kathrine'' Vanish.  Jake walked out the door, and to his blue SUV. He started it and drove to Paula's.

Jake stepped out and walked into the Paula cupcake palas and ordered a box of 6 cupcakes, 2 vanilla, 2 strawberry's and 2 Chocolate. ''Thanks'' Jake said going outside to take a seat. He then walked back in and got a mocha latte. He came back to see Brynn.

''Hey cupcake'' Jake joked

''Hey Banana'' Brynn sighed

''What's wrong?'' Jake asked

''It's strange, Kathrine gets released after 5 years of being locked away, And gets murdered that night! Mysterious? Eh! I wanna know who killed her!'' Brynn said

''So do I'' Jake said

''Jake, Lily's my sister! I love her to pieces.... Did you kill Kathrine'' Brynn asked.

Jake gasped, then sipped his drink not knowing what to say next. ''I...I'' Jake began

''Did you kill Kathrine, I wont tell, but I need to know'' Brynn said

''I didn't kill my girl's sister, I'm not a nut'' Jake finally said

''Then who did? You didn't want her to be released. So just did you?'' Brynn asked

''Fine, I must have killed Kathrine, obviously my own best friend doesn't believe me'' Jake said standing, He pushed the cupcakes off the table and poured his drink out

''Nice talking and having a nice time out with my friend in 5 years. Bye Brynn'' Jake said

''Jake wait'' Brynn called. Jake kept walking.

Brynn felt bad, But she didn't say it. Someone approached her.

''Brynn, is that you?'' A 16 year old voice said

''Who's asking'' Brynn asked

''May I sit?'' The girl asked sitting anyways

''Mikayla, what do you want?'' Brynn asked

''Here's the thing'' Mikayla said leaning over the table


Jake entered the house in a hurry. He pulled out paper and a pen.

''Lily, call me. I love you! I'm going back to L.A'' Jake wrote ''Xoxo, You're husband!''

Jake put the letter in her room, and then drove off and back to LA.


''Mikayla, you just got out of prison, don't make ultimatums'' Brynn said

''Woah, a big 10 letter word, let's get this straight, Give me the money, or ill tell Lily the truth'' Mikayla said.

''The truth?'' Brynn asked ''The truth about what''

''How you killed Kathrine'' Mikayla whispered

''I never killed Mikayla, I tried to help her! Coincidence you got out, the night she was released too. Maybe you killed her, because we all know she killed you're daddy'' Brynn said

''Who cares, Either give me the money, or pay loosing Lily'' Mikayla said

''Get up'' Brynn said

''Why?'' Mikayla asked

''You're under arrest for Blackmail and trying to get money from an officer'' Brynn said

''You aren't a cop'' Mikayla said

''I am in Arizona, California, Minisoda and Calgary. Get up!'' Brynn said cuffing Mikayla.

''Please'' Mikayla said.

''You ever show you're face or ask me or my family for money again, I will have you arrested'' Brynn said

Mikayla walked off sassily. She got a phone call.

''Yes, Yes. I understand. See you soon'' Mikayla said. She put her phone away and jumped into a cab.


Lily woke up, ''Jake?''

She saw the letter and read it. She got out her IPhone 6 and called Jake.

''Hey!'' Jake said answering

''Jake, where are you going, why are you leaving!'' Lily said

''They think I killed Kathrine, I want normal, and Rosewood isn't normal'' Jake said

''Take me with you'' Lily cried

''I cant, you fly out here.'' Jake said

''I love you Jake, I do'' Lily said

''I love you too'' Jake smiled

''Come home'' Lily said

''We'll see'' Jake said hanging up.


Poor Jake got accused. Poor lily, she lost her sister. And yassssss Brynn!

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