18. 5 years later.

23 2 0

Kids walk through the halls. Books dropping, heads spilling, everything isn't right! Lets go to class they decide. They enter the door.

''Today is another day, tomorrow is a new day! Not everyday is perfect, but sometimes it is! Life isn't great, but sometimes it is! My life wasn't perfect. I was kidnapped, and tortured.... Kids and I didn't get along, I only had a few friends. My one best friend Ivy, My friend Brynn, My husband Jake, my other friend Kenzie and that's all I would really hang out with!'' Lily said

The bell rang. ''Oh I'm sorry, class is already over, tomorrow you get to read to me'' lily said with a smile

A student walked up to Lily, ''Mrs. Baldwin, I cant do my homework tonight, I have to go see my uncle, he is dying'' Mark said

''That's all right, see ya tomorrow''

''Hello, Lily'' someone said Lily turned and saw who it was

''Mona'' Lily said ''What do you want?''

''They agreed to let Kathrine out, as long as Jake, Brynn and whoever else Kathrine hurt agree that they want her back'' Mona said

''Okay!'' Lily smiled walking to her desk opening up her notepad

''You know you cant force them to come home'' Mona said

''You don't know them like I do'' Lily said beginning to write.


In L.A

''Jake, Hey! its me...Lily! I wanted you to know Kathrine is being released...Well as long as you tell the courts you aren't afraid anymore!'' Jake read

In Califonia

''I'm Begging you, She's my only family left. I have spent the past 5 years getting to know Kathrine! She is amazing, and I love her! I would love to have my sister back in my house, safe and sound! Please come back, and please agree you aren't afraid'' Brynn read

''You're my only hope'' Kisses ~Lily!


2 weeks later

Jake drove up and parked near the bell tower. ''I cant believe I'm back in this place'' Jake said

Jake walked over and saw a group of kids, 2 girls and one boy. They each recived a text, with a worried face. Then they laughed. Jake had a chill run down his spine, even tho -A was locked away he still didn't feel safe...

Brynn entered the ''Brew coffee inn'' She walked to the counter

''Brynn, Brynn! is that you?'' Steven point asked

''Yes steven, it is me'' Brynn said ''I want a frapimoca ice coffee'' Brynn smiled but Steven already had it made. ''Here you go'' Steven said

Brynn took a seat on the couch. Being a kid was weird again, being 19 felt great tho.

She looked into her purse then someone walked over and placed their hands over her eyes.

''AH'' Brynn yelled jumping to the floor, she stood and saw Jake!

''OH MY GOD!'' Jake said ''You're so pretty''

''Thanks, oh my god! I cant believe you're already 20!!'' Brynn smiled

''I know! where's Lily?'' Jake asked

Lily walked into the room. ''Lils'' Jake smiled

Lily ran and jumped into Jake's arms. They began to kiss and hug

''I missed you so much!'' Lily cried

Jake kissed Lily again. 'Its so weird being back here again'' Jake said

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