7. Explosive

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''Dad should I send the text?'' Mikayla asked

''Yes, do it... A is back'' The person said


Lily and Jake were sitting in the coffee room drinking tea, when the phone buzzed.

''You're kidding me!'' Lily snapped snatching the phone.

Lily opened the phone and went to messages.

''Tick, Tick, Tock, Tock, Bitches, hoes, sluts, freaks! A is back, and you better be runnin! Kisses bitches..-A''

''What the fuck'' Lily asked

''It's probably a copy cat trying to scare us off'' Jake said trying to relax Lily

''Wait! where is Brynn and Cassie!'' Lily asked

''I don't know'' Jake said ''Give them a call''

hours later

''Come outside or die'' -A

Jake, Lily and Brynn walked outside and to the street, bang

They turned back and saw fire, then their house exploded.

''AHHH'' Lily screamed. Fire started flying everywhere. The house exploded a second time knocking them down.

''Oh my god'' Eliza the neighbor said'

''Who's house is that!?'' Some man asks

''Oh my god'' Cassidy cried running up to the group. Cassidy gave them all hugs.

''Who did this?!'' Brynn asked

''Who do you think!'' Lily screamed

''A did this'' Jake said

''Where do we go now?'' Lily cried

''With me'' Brynn said

''No me'' Cassidy said

''NO ME'' Brynn screamed

''Were picking, wer gonna go with Brynn'' Lily said

''Ok'' Cassidy said leaving

''No wait'' Jake said running after Cassidy


''Lily, Cassidy is still in love with Jake'' Brynn said

''How would you know?'' Lily asked

''She told me, when you were kidnapped'' Brynn said

''Why are you telling me?'' Lily asked

''You're my friend...that's why'' Brynn said

''What did she say?'' Lily asked

''That she was in love with him, and she will get him back....Then she kissed him'' Brynn said

''You're lying'' Lily said

''Would I lie to you?'' Brynn asked

''Yes! Yes you would'' Lily cried running to Jake.

Brynn stood alone in the rain, she glanced back at the burnt house...



''No, I love you'' Jake said

''Prove it'' Lily said

''How!'' Jake asked

''Walk away from Cassidy, and never talk to her again''

''I cant do that...she's my best friend...'' Jake said

''Lily you cant be serious'' Cassidy snapped

''I am! you love my husband, you aren't getting him,.... unless he chooses you!'' Lily said

''Lils'' Jake said

''CHOOSE! NOW!'' Lily cried ''Me or her!''

''I'm sorry'' Jake said grabbing Lily's hand... ''Goodbye''


Woah!! Cliffhanger! Who did he leave?

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