10. Letters

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Lily woke up, ''What happened?'' She asked herself

She saw blood on her hands, and she felt something In her back. She stood up and see a few pieces of glass in her, She looked around for Jake, But he was no where to be found

Brynn was laying on the ground next to the car, ''BRYNN'' Lily yelled running over to her, ''Brynn wake up!'' Lily yelled shaking Brynn but she didn't wake up. Lily lifted Brynn into the car and saw her head was all bloody, and so was the car and cement. Lily started the car and drove to the front of the police station, but Jake wasn't there... ''He's gone'' Lily cried

Jake was dead....


lily pulled into the house, and carried Brynn inside, She put Brynn into bed and walked down stairs, to see the door closing and a car driving away. Lily saw a letter on the table. ''TO HER'' The letter said

She opened it and began to read,

''Lily, Brynn! I love you both, but I cant do this... I cant hurt you, and put you in danger! I'm leaving....forever! My old friend Gage was in the jail with me.... I survived because he sacrificed himself for me! My point is, I love you so much! But I gotta go, I'm on the run now! The cops will never stop... A will never stop! I love you, I'm sorry that I wont get to see our baby girl be born.... Hopefully ill call and see you soon... Forever yours, ~Jake!''

Lily dropped the letter, and burst into tears. She sat on the ground crying, then she picked up her cell phone and dialed Jake

''Hi, you've reached my voice...MAIL! I'd love to here you're message, leave one! I always call back... BEEP'' Jake's voice made

'Oh my god'' Lily cried dropping her phone. ''he's really gone''


Jake kept driving until he hit the boarder when he stopped! ''I cant leave her!'' Jake cried

''I ruined my life'' Jake cried as someone entered the car

''Jake, its okay'' Cassidy said

''CASSIDY!'' Jake yelled

''I'm dead, I'm an angel! Go back for them'' Cassie said then faded away

Jake called Lily

''JAKE!'' Lily cried

''Babe, is that you?'' Jake asked chocking on tears!

''YES! YES IT IS, WHERE ARE YOU!'' Lily cried

''I'm coming home!'' Jake smiled

''YOU ARE!!'' Lily cried

'Yea'' Jake said

''PUT THE PHONE DOWN!'' A guys voice yelled

''HELP!'' Lily screamed

''I'm taking Brynn and Lily.... If you ever wanna see them! GIVE ME MARGRET!'' The person said hanging up

Jake threw his phone out the window and turned around speeding until he got to his house, he kicked the door in and entered, he saw blood....and the girls were gone...


Hah! that was such a good chapter!! what should happen next?

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