20. Hold on.

35 2 1

Lily arrived in LA. And went to a hotel, she happened to run into Jake. ''Hey'' Lily said

''Hi'' Jake said ''Did you know Brynn's a cop?'' Jake asked

''Yea, I knew 2 years ago'' Lily said.

''Cool, how've ya been'' Jake asked

''Good, I missed you'' Lily said going to hug Jake. Jake pulled her into a tight hug an picked her up with a kiss, the way he use to do.

They held hands and went up to the apartment.


''Brynn, Officer Rumfallo? Do you copy'' A man said over the walki.

''I've got this'' Brynn said aiming her gun into the room and entering

Swat, Fbi, and more Police entered behind her. ''Be careful'' Greg said(Greg's her boyfriend)

Brynn went and saw people

''HANDS UP!'' Brynn screamed

The people raised with guns and began to shoot.

''TAKE COVER!'' Brynn screamed jumping to the floor, being pulled under a box to her safety.


Brynn butt dialed Jake. ''GIVE UP'' Brynn screamed. Jake clicked the mute button.

Bullets were going off and people were yelling.

''Brynns in trouble, we gotta go'' Jake said running and jumping off the balcony, he landed in a bag of cotton candy, Lily did the same

They drove 2 hours until they hit rosewood, they went to the warehouse Brynn was at.


''PUT THE GUN DOWN!'' Brynn screamed as Jake and Lily slowly entered

3 People stood with guns to their sides. ''Mikayla, David, and Marissa'' Jake whispered

''Who?'' Lily asked

''The killer family''

''Mikayla drop the gun'' Brynn said.

''No!'' Mikayla said shooting her mother and step father, She then shot Brynn in the neck, then herself in the brain.

''BRYNN!!'' Jake screamed jumping to her side, Blood came to her neck and she spit some up.

Brynn began to speak ''Ill love you forever'' She mumbled kissing Jake on the lips.

Lily gasped but she didn't care, Brynn was more important, ''Brynn please don't die on me'' Lily hesitantly said.

''I....I am already dead..'' Brynn said

Lily grabbed her necklace charm and stabbed into her finger, and made Brynn drink a bit, She regained blood system normal.

''Brynn...wake up...'' Jake said

''Brynn....'' Lily cried.


This chapter title, and next are connected.


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