The Date!

402 19 4

Jack's P.O.V

I am so nervous my palms are literally sweating as I also am planning to ask her out and I just hope she says yes. I wonder how Elsa is doing, I cant believe I have a best friend like her we have been through everything together she has stuck by me no matter what.

I check the time on my watch its 5:45 I better head out to pick up tooth from her house.

Going out my house I grab my keys and get out my Dark Blue BMW and start heading to Tooth's I hope Elsa has everything ready as she hasn't texted me yet.

Pulling up to Tooth's house I see her come out and she is wearing a beautiful Emerald dress and has put neon highlights in her hair.

"You look beautiful" I say and she blushes, and then I get a text off Elsa telling me to go to the lake that is about 10minutes from here.

"Let's go then shall we" I say whilst opening the car door for her then hoping in myself.

"Were are we going" She asks

"It's a surprise" I tell her as we continue getting to know each other.

About 10minutes later we pull up to the docks and hop out and see the most amazing scenery that looks like it took ages to do (the pic in the media) and I look at Tooth aswell who is looking at it in awe.

"This is beautiful, thanks Jack this must have took ages to do" she says in awe.

"Yeah, but anything for you Tooth, anyway lets go sit down" I say pulling out a chair for her to sit down. I then turn my attention to the table that has a banquet of foods that I love on and its like a posh restaurant.

"I cant believe you did all this for me" she says

"This isn't the half of it, would you like to dance" I say getting up and offering my hand which she takes and we start dancing then I get a message from Elsa saying start singing the song then ask her, so I do just that and I start singing Enchanted by Taylor Swift(song in the media) whilst she rests her head on my shoulder and I gaze up at the beautiful night sky thanking the moon for giving me such a good friend as Elsa. After sing a bit of the song I suddenly hear another voice joining in doing the girl part, I've never heard this voice before but its sounds like an angel it must be a tape recording.

A little bit later the song comes to an end and then I suddenly become more nervous and Tooth can tell.

"What is it jack, are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah I am fine,I-I was just wondering ifyouwouldliketobemygirlfriend"I said quickly whilst rubbing the back of my nape.

"I'm sorry what was that" She asks

"I said would you like to be my girlfriend" I say more confidently but then get more nervous as I wait for an answer.

"I am so-so sorry jack I already like someone and only see you as a friend I could be your date to the ball on Monday though" She says with sorrow in her voice.

"It's fine and yeah-sure we can go together" I say whilst holding back tears as my heart just got broken.

"I am truly sorry, Friends?" She questions

"Friends" I reply and then she goes home saying that her friend has come to pick her up, whilst I just stand there heartbroken,and alone crying until I hear the bushes moving and I am being embraced in a hug.

"I am so sorry" I hear Elsa say whilst I sob on her shoulder. "You know she I stupid for passing up an opportunity to take my jackie-poo as her boyfriend" She says giggling.

"Elsa you know I hate you calling me jackie-poo" I say whilst chuckling at the stupid face she is making impressions of my fangirls who call me jackie-poo.

"Jack,look at me" She says soothingly and I look up to her and she wipes my eyes and then gets up and then I suddenly get hit by a snowball.

"Oh you have done it now" I say and we end up starting a huge snowball fight chasing each other around and having fun. Eventhough I just got rejected I feel happy and that's what I love about Elsa she can make me happy even when I feel so sad. If they had more girls in the world like Elsa then all our problems will be solved but there is only one girl like Elsa and she is mine--WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING!-SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND. I DONT LIKE HER-DO I?-NO JACK YOU DO NOT-

After having that argument I go home bidding goodbye to Elsa and thanking her for her help even if it turns out to be a waste of time. I then go to bed and go to sleep dreaming about the only person that makes me happy right now.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack's Dream ------------------------

"Hey Frosty" Elsa says whilst having a grin on her face.

"Hey snowflake" I say whilst grinning back.

"So,what have you got planned for out 2month anniversary" She asks shuffling close to me.

Anniversary what for I think and obviously I must have a confused face as Elsa continues.

"You know our 2month anniversary of going out" She says.

Going out since when were we going out but then suddenly the setting changes and I am inside a Black room and in front of me is a beaten up Elsa and a slightly damaged Tooth. I then hear a voice that I had wished to never hear again

"Oh Jack Frost we meet again, this time in not so good conditions" he snarls saying my name with so much venom in his voice.

"What do you want pitch" I hiss.

"Oh well I am letting you Scott free you can leave and get on with your life" He says whilst smirking.

"What's the catch pitch" I ask knowing nothing good comes with pitch.

"You can only leave here with one other person so you must make a decision, the best friend who has been with you no matter what but has been keeping a secret from you or Tooth who rejected you but yet you still like her" He says

"But first I need to tell you Elsa's little secret" He says and suddenly Elsa shots up and screams "Don't you dare!" I mean what is so bad that she has kept from me. "Oh begging wont get you anywhere, Snow Queen see jack she has kept this secret form you for about 7years" He carries on eventhough he is getting a mighty death glair of Elsa right now. "See Elsa-well she lo--"

----------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Dream -----------------

I shot up from my bed surely he wasn't going to say that she lives me-pfft we are just friends and surely she would of told me. But then again maybe not? Ugh well that dream isn't realistic anyway it isn't like it is going to happen in real life anyway.

Thirds Person's P.O.V

And Jack falls back asleep and little did he know that Pitch was lurking in the shadows and had watched all of his nightmare.

"Dont worry jack that will become a realistic nightmare, and it will come sooner then you think" Pitch says laughing and going back into the shadows before completely disappearing into the night.


Oh Drama Pitch is here and he is going to end up making Jack choose between Elsa and Tooth anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter keep reading and I will update soon :-)

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