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A month after the honeymoon I found out I was pregnant which Jack was really excited about. We have now found out we are expecting a girl.

I can't wait but Jack is being very overprotective now considering I'm 9 month pregnant so the baby could come any day.

"Jack!!!!" I shout and he comes in to the room with a worried face but breaths a sigh of relief when he realizes I'm okay. (See what I sais about being overprotective)

"What?" He asks

"I'm bored" I whine

"Well do something then like watch TV" he says.

"Well I can't do much considering I'm pregnant and there isn't anything good on TV" I say whining.

"Well find something but stay here I'm going shop I will be back soon" He says pecking me on the cheek and leaving.

I start flicking through the channels to find a new episode of SpongeBob SquarePants on. Yay! I then get the phone by me to call Anna knowing she will want to watch it with me.

*Phone conversation*


E- "Hey Anna"
A- "Hey sis how you doing?"
E- "I'm good but anyway I was just flicking through the channels because I was bored and saw that there is a new episode of SpongeBob SquarePants showing, do you want to come over and watch it with me"
A- "Omg really. There is no question there. I will be over in a minute."
E- "And bring chocolate"
A-"I will" she shouts before hanging up the phone.

I sit on the floor just watching the adverts and before long Anna burst in to my room holding some chocolates. She sits by me and we begin to watch SpongeBob SquarePants with Anna singing

Who lives is a pineapple under the sea
"SpongeBob SquarePants"

I suddenly feel the baby kick which causes me to gasp making Anna stop singing and look at me in worry.

"Sis you okay?" She asks.
"Yh she just kicked" I say which causes Anna to squeal and place her hand on my belly to feel the kick of my daughter.

She looks at my belly and smiles but then I grunt in pain holding my abdomen as a shot of pain keeps shooting through me and soon I feel water running down my legs causing me to look at Anna in worry.

"Omg your going in to labour" She says starting to panic.
"Anna calm do-" I get cut of by another contraption.
She paints causing me to roll my eyes and mutter a great. I grab the phone calling Jack who doesn't answer making this more great so I try Punzie who luckily answers.

"Hey cuz what's up?" She asks sweetly
"Punz I need to your help Anna's fainted and Jack has gone shopping and I can't get hold of him and I'm going into labour" I say begging to panic.
"Aww sh*t" I hear her mutter.
"Okay calm down it won't be good for the baby I will call the midwife and I'm on my way I will also try get a hold of Jack for you but for now deep breaths." She says trying to calm me down.

*10 minutes later*

We are now all in my room Anna is awake I have the midwife next to me and Punzie is on the phone with Jack who is now on his way.

*10minutes later*

Jack has just got here and as he opens up the door rushing in her begins to worry as I look pale from exhaustion he grabs my hand not caring about the pain as I crush his hand with my grip as I do what the midwife tells me and push succeeding in giving birth to a beautiful baby girl.

She looks exactly like me but has Jack's nose and eyes. She is beautiful and I can tell already she is going to be a daddy's girl. She looks at me and giggles as from happiness a snow flurry has appeared above me causing snow to fall on to her nose making her giggle and eyes fill with joy and happiness.

I look at Jack and give her to him causing her to be more excited. See I said she was already a daddy's girl.

Alisha Isabelle  Frost

Our daughter

*4years later*

Alisha is now grown up and is following in my footsteps she is good friends with all of our friends kids who weren't that much younger. Merida and hiccup had a boy before us named

Henry James Haddock

They also had a girl 1 year younger then alisha who is named

Autumn Merissa Haddock

Punzie and Euguene had a boy the same age as Alisha who they called

Skylar Tempest Rider

Kristoff and Anna also had a girl called

Skye  Elizabeth Ice

They grew up and slowly new friendships were made and some love bonds were also made. Jack even though he tried to ban her daughter from dating because of him being the overprotective dad that he is trusted the son of Merida and hiccup to take could care of her.

And Merida and Elsa couldn't be happier cause the secretly shipped them together.

So Alisha ended up marrying Henry much later in there lives. They lived happily and had two children twin girls.

Autumn married Skylar and they had a boy.

So all the friend ended up becoming related even if in laws through marriage which they were more then happy about.

Skye married a boy named Luke who she met in college and they had a girl.

They were all happy and content but of course they aged and got older but the love never stopped and Jack and Elsa died peacefully knowing they loved each other till the day they died. And it all started with Elsa being in love with her best friend....

-The End-


981 words

Hi guys.
I swear I was almost crying at the end of this.

This is now the end of the book I will not be doing a sequel because I wouldn't know what to go of anyway but I will be doing more Jelsa books oready got them planned so I will let you know when that's done.

Anyway I hoped you all enjoyed this book.

Bye Icicles

- Megan x

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