Auslly 9 <3

924 15 4

Austin's POV 

Today Ally and I were going to write a new song that will be going on my new album, cool right? I walk into the Music Factory and see Ally working with sone kids. She is so good with kids and I love it, yes I have a crush on Ally and no I never told her. She walks over to me and says "Hey Austin, I just wanted to tell you that we can't have our normal song writing time today" I frowned and asked her "Why can't we?". "Well I have a date tonight with Dallas" she said. I felt a pang to my chest. Jealsouy. "Oh well I hope you have fun but I need to go" I said walking out really fast withouth having to hear what else she said. 

I arrived home and called Dez to see if he could come over and he said yes. He came barging into the house "What's wrong man? You usually don't call for a night at your house unless something wrong" he said. I sighed and began to talk "Well all I can say is, Ally as date tonight and it's not with me" "Wait you have a crush on Ally! Why did you never tell me?" He asked. "I did tell you rememeber whenever we were at the beach? He smiled and said "Oh yeah". I rolled my eyes "What do I do now?" "Tell her how you feel and maybe she won't go" he said hopefully. "Dez, I don't think that will work Ally has been in love with  Dallas as long as I known her" I said sighing. After our discussion, he went home and I went to sleep, dreaming that Ally would fall for me instead of Dalls because I know that he will break her heart. 

Ally's POV 

I was gettting ready for my date with Dallas and Trish was helping me. Trish and I were talking about how Austin ran out of the Music Factory without any reason. "Maybe he had a emergency" said Trish. " But Trish he would have came out and said it but he didn't" I said sighing. Trish said "Don't stress over it Ally, just focus on your date with Dallas" " Your right Trish! I'm finally going on a date with the guy I like" I said. Trish smiled and finished getting me ready. I wore a red dress with black wedges, little makeup, and a fish braid. I went downstairs and Dallas was there "Hey Ally, you look beautiful" he said, I blushed "Thanks" I said. He smiled and said "No problem, you ready to go?" I nodded and said "Yes, let's get going". We left the Music Factory and headed to a fancy resteraunt that I couldn't pronounce. We went inside and sat down and talked for a bit. "So Ally, I wanted to ask you a question" said Dallas. "What is it?" I asked. He grabbed my hand and started speaking "Ally, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. I smiled while my heart was beating fast I nodded "Yes!" I squaled and jumped into his arms then he picked me up and spinned me around and kissed me. This was the best night of my life. 

The next day I headed into the music facotry to tell my friends that Dallas and I were together now. I saw Austin talking to Trish and Dez with a worried look on his face, I wonder what was wrong. I decided to shrug it off and just go tell the the good news. I walked up to them and said "Hey guys, I got really good news" "What is it?Is it for me?" asked Trish, I shook my head and said "No it's about me". "I have a boyfriend!" I said excitingly, Austin just froze whenever I said that I wonder why, I'll ask him later. Trish squaled "Really?Who is it?" she asked, I smiled and said "Dallas". Trish and I squeled and talked about the relationship so far when I noticed Austin and Dez leave, that's strange they didn't say goodbye and plus Dez didn't say a thing to me so that's even more strange. 

Austin's POV

I just couldn't get Ally saying her and Dallas were together out of my head. I liked her so much then he goes and steals her from me. I just can't get her out of my head at all, I think I might be in love with her. "Austin, are you in there?" Dez asked while knocking on my head, "Ow, Dez!That hurt" I complained.He laughed and said "Well that was the point to get your attention duh" I rolled my eyes and said "What should I do about this whole Ally and Dallas thing?I think I love her but she doesn't love me back".  Dez smiled and said "Wait, your in love with her?I have a idea but it will have to wait a couple months since she just got into this relationship". "What's the plan?" I asked, He explained the plan and it was brilliant, considering it was Dez. We just have to wait a couple of months to put this plan into action. 

Auslly/Raura One Shots :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt