Auslly 10 <3

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Ally's POV 

I was in Sonic Boom waiting for Austin to come in so we can go work on his new song. And I might have a crush on him, I think I'm going to tell him how I feel today. I have been feeling confident that he is actually gonna like me too and I really hope that I am right about this. "Heyyy Ally" Trish said as she came into the store, I smiled "Hey Trish, you know how I have a crush on Austin?" I asked . She nodded  and asked "Yes, what about him?", "Well I'm planning to tell him how I feel today after were done writing his new song" I said, "Good luck" she says as she leaves and Austin comes in "Hey Ally, ready to write my new song?" he asked. I smiled, man does he got me hooked in bad, I nodded and said "Yep let's head upstairs". We headed up and once we got in there Austin started to talk "Ally..I won't be able to write with you tomorrow night" he said. "What?Why?" I asked, "Well, I have a date with Kira tomorrow at 4" he said. In that moment, I felt my heart breaking as he told me this, and I thought I was going to confess my feelings for him. "That's great Austin but umm I'm feeling a little sick so how bout we do this another day" I said, He nodded and said "Sure, feel better". I nodded and ran to my house and went up to my room and sunk down on my floor, crying. 

Austin's POV 

That was weird, I have never seen her act like that before. Oh well, I had to think of the perfect date for Kira and I cause I have liked her for a while now and I really want her to like it. I head back to my house and once I get into my room only to see Dez sitting on my bed. "Dez!Why are you in my house when no one was here?" I asked. "Cause I was called by love since I am the love whisperer" he whispered , I sighed and said "Dez, nobody calls you that". "Ummm like everyone calls me that" he said, I shake my head and says "Whatever, I need your help with my date with Kira". "Okay sure, I'll help so first you need a turtle and a donut-" I cut him off and said "Dez, what does that stuff have to do with my date with Kira?. He smiled and said "Cause it makes things more romantic", I roll my eyes and we start coming up with ideas. 

Finally were done  my date with Kira and it's perfect for her. First, were going to go to see a movie, then were gonna go to Olive Garden for dinner, and lastly were going to go for ice cream at Dairy Queen (Did you know they have a pancake flavor now and I'm DEFINTLEY getting that). It's going to be the perfect first date for the both of us, yes this is going to be my first date even with my good looks I have never had a girlfriend or gone on a date and I'm so excited (yes I know I sound like a girl and I don't care at the moment). 

I'm on my way to pick Kira and I'm so nervous on how this is going to go. I get to her house and right when I was about to knock, Kira came out looking great as ever. She was wearing a pink dress that made her look just flawless with a pair of stud silver heels with a pink clutch. "You look stunning' I said to her as she blushed and said "Thanks Austin, you look good too" I smiled at her as I opened her door and closed it and went to my side and we started going to the movies where we were going to see Vacation, it's a comedy and I think thats the kind of  movie to watch on a first date. When we got there I went to go open her door for her and held her hand as we went into the theater. "So Austin, what movie are we seeing?" she asked, I smiled at her and said "Vacation". She squaled and said "Yay,I've always wanted to see that movie, "Well I'm glad we get to see it together" I said while smiling. We got our tickets and then got popcorn, Skittles, and a Diet Coke to share. The movie was so funny and everytime Kira laughed she would snort which I found really annoying bu that doesn't matter, as long as I like her is all that matters. 

3 Months Later 

Ally's POV 

These past months have been torture, you hear me TORTURE, you wanna know why?well Austin and I never got to finsih that song we have been working on because all he does is hang out with Kira and it bothers me so much that we don't get anything done anymore and I'm sick of it. Trish came in with a weird look on her face "Um Ally, are you okay? she asked, I smiled at her said "Yea I'm fine". She rolled her eyes at me and said "Ally, I'm your best friend so of course I know what's wrong", I sighed "Okay fine, I kind of have a crush on Austin but him and Kira are dating and he always spends time with her and we never got to finish his song yet" I said. She looked at me wide eyed "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON AUSTIN?!ALLY THATS AMAZING!!" she yelled. I said "Yes but it doesn't matter anyway, he's with Kira" just as I said that I heard Austin yelling "I can't belive you did that Kira, we're over!!". I looked at Trish and we headed up the the practice room to see what happened since thats where he ran to, "Ally, this may be your only chance to tell Austin how you feel" said Trish.  I sighed and noded as I went in the room and saw Austin playing the piano, he looked at me with a weak smile and said "Hey Ally" "Hey Austin, whats wrong I heard you and Kira arguing" he sighed and said "Kira cheated on me with her ex boyfriend" I saw the tears welling up in his eyes. "Well Ausin it's her loss that she lost an amazing guy that she will ever have" I said to him as smiling, he smiled back at me and said  "Thanks Ally, your the best" he hugged me and once we pulled back from the hug, we stared into each others eyes and he leaned in a kissed me. We pulled apart and he started to speak "Ally, I had always liked you and I thought it would ruin our friendship so I thought maybe Kira would help me get over you but it didn't so Ally I don't know your middle name Dawson would you do the honor of being my girlfriend", "YES" I yelled and hugged him and we kissed again. 

Austin and I have been married for about 5 years now and we have a little girl named Alexardria Nicole Moon and she is almost 4 years old, she was born a year after we got married and she is our pride and joy. My family is the best thing that ever happened to me. We have another baby on the way and it's another girl and were naming her Taylor Renee Moon. I can't wait for her to come then my family will be complete with everyting I have always wanted. And it all started with me liking Austin. 

Hey guys, sorry it took so long with this chapter. I have been so busy with school and doing stuff around my house, the other day I had to go to the ER cause I food stuck in my throat and it couldn't come out and we didn't get out until 2 am so we came home and I stilld had it stuck so I went to sleep with it still in and it went down this morning and I have a sore throat and my stomach hurts. Don't worry I'm fine now so I'm all better now. I hope you liked this chapter, I may update tomorrow or later today if I have any ideas and if I don't it may be a few more days lol. Please vote and comment on this chapter. Later peeps 😝

-Gabby :D 

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